Sunday, December 31, 2023

JRL3 year-end update 2023


The 7 station sites under phase 3 of the JRL as at end-2023.

Its the final day of 2023! To round up our year-end coverage, we're at the 3rd phase of the Jurong Region Line (JRL) which is spread over 2 sections - the northern section in Nanyang Technological University (NTU) & the southern section in Jurong Industrial Estate. The past year has seen significant progress, especially within NTU where teh structures are really starting to take shape visibly. Over on the southern section, structures are not as visible yet but multiple road diversions have taken place across the 2 civil contract sites located along the section. More after the jump, one last time for 2023!

Thursday, December 28, 2023

JRL2 year-end update 2023


The 7 stations along JRL Phase 2, Contract J101's Tengah Depot, Contract J102's in-fill station &
the Contract J120 viaduct as at end 2023.

2023 has been a big year for the contracts under Phase 2 of the Jurong Region Line (JRL) as well as Contract J101 for Tengah Depot and Contract J102's in-fill station at the Forest Hill district of Tengah. Both of the latter fall under Phase 1 of the line but due to space constraints on Instagram, we could only cover the 10 main station under our Phase 1 year-end recap. Hence, these 2 sections are lumped in together with the Phase 2 update.

Nonetheless, structures have emerged across all Phase 2 stations. Contract J108 is the most advanced, being one of the two contracts to have commenced viaduct span construction work, the other being Contract J120. Contract J109, the last remaining contract in Phase 2 involving viaduct span construction, should be due to begin this phase of work shortly as well. With 10 different sites being covered in this recap, a photo-heavy warning is in effect.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

JRL1 year-end update 2023


The 10 JRL Phase 1 stations as of end-2023.

Photos are a big part of our blog and help to tell a better story than we can describe in words. In doing up this year-end recap of the progress made for phase 1 of the Jurong Region Line (JRL), you can expect that it would be anything short of lengthy and full of images. Fair warning for what lies ahead after the jump - a massive photo update spanning across the year.

Before we let you get to the juicy stuff, we'll try to summarise what exactly has been going on along JRL Phase 1. With just over 4 years to go to opening for revenue service, all 6 civil contracts for Phase 1 are in the thick of structural works. This will proceed for about another year before it moves into a less disruptive stage where component installation commences, similar to the stage that the Circle Line 6 is in right now. We also did a mini-series earlier in the year describing the stages of constructing an elevated MRT line, you can check them out here - Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, Stage 4, Stage 5 & Stage 6. Right now, this section of the project is in Stage 3.

With that said, to cater for our Instagram feed and make it easier for you to navigate, we've grouped updates for contract J101's Tengah Depot and J102's future in-fill station with the updates for Phase 2. So don't be too surprised when you don't see updates on these two sectors included here. Without further ado, proceed past the jump for more photos & updates across the year!

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

J112 - Jurong Hill & Jurong Pier update Q3 2023


Station work sites under contract J112 as at end-Q3, in September 2023.

We're almost there at the end of our Q3 updates for the Jurong Region Line (JRL). To finish off the phase 3 southern section update, we're at contract J112 which includes the construction of Jurong Hill and Jurong Pier stations. Over the past quarter, some of the permanent structures for the line could be seen emerging. Do head on after the jump to find out more, promise that we'll keep this brief.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

J111 - Enterprise & Tukang update Q3 2023


A compilation of stations under contract J111 under construction in September 2023.

Phase 3 of the Jurong Region Line (JRL) traverses the industrial estates to the south and technological/educational districts to the north. As such, the section to the south is generally less interesting given that the line runs in the road median for the most part. Also given that Phase 3 has a later target revenue operations date of 2028, works are not in as advanced a stage as compared to those along Phases 1 & 2. Nonetheless, certain sections of the line had begun showing visible progress within Q3. Most notably of the southern section, the contract boundary between contracts J106 and J111 is of interest. Do head on over after the jump to see more!

Thursday, December 14, 2023

J110 & J120 - Jurong East update Q3 2023


24 September 2023 - A view of works at the Jurong East interchange under contract J110 as of
end-Q3 2023.

17 September 2023 - A view of parts of the contract J120 viaduct under construction as at end-Q3

To wrap up our Q3 update for phase 2 of the Jurong Region Line (JRL), we are focusing on the two remaining contracts at Jurong East - contracts J110 and J120. The former is for the construction of the JE5 Jurong East interchange while the latter involves the construction of the Jurong East Integrated Transport Hub (ITH) and associated viaducts through the development. More images are available after the jump.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

J109 - Toh Guan, Jurong Town Hall & Pandan Reservoir update Q3 2023

A compilation of progress at the 3 station sites as at September 2023.

Q3 of 2023 has been a fruitful one for contract J109. Although there may not have been as visible progress as contract J108, the stations and viaduct piers under this contract has been making in-roads to completion of the structures for the line. Do check out the progress report for contract J109 after the jump!

Sunday, December 10, 2023

J108 - Tengah Plantation, Tengah Park & Bukit Batok West update Q3 2023

Stations under contract J108 as on 24 September 2023.

A lot has happened last quarter over at contract J108 which is for the construction of 3 phase two stations at Tengah Plantation, Tengah Park & Bukit Batok West. Also part of the package are viaducts from Tengah Junction, where the line diverges from the western route, up to the interface with contract J109 along the Pan Island Expressway (PIE), south of Bukit Batok town. In order to speed up the updates ahead of the year-end recap that we're in the midst of preparing, we're updating the rest of the line by contract. Head on past the jump for loads of pictures about the progress made over Q3 2023.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

J107 - Tawas update Q3 2023


24 September 2023 - A view of Tawas station as seen from the north.

As of the end of Q3 2023, work at the Tawas station was progressing to casting of the trackbed & platform level support columns. Using precast platform level crossheads, the side platform slabs of the station will be supported by central columns below the trackbed. Apart from Tengah station, Tawas is likely to be one of the Jurong Region Line (JRL) stations to be built the quickest. Join us as we take a look at the progress made over the past quarter.

Monday, December 4, 2023

J107 - Gek Poh update Q3 2023


28 September 2023 - A view of Gek Poh station seen from street level at end-Q3 2023.

Quarter 3 of the year has seen some milestones being achieved for the Gek Poh station and surrounding viaducts. These include the completion of casting of all the station pier's concourse level crosshead stubs, the installation of one prefabricated crosshead arm, completion of several viaduct spans and the commencement of construction of another portal pier's beam. Head on after the jump to find out more!

Saturday, December 2, 2023

JRL - A snapshot in November 2023


Overview of JRL stations JS1 - JS8 as of November 2023.
Top (L - R) : JS1 - Choa Chu Kang, JS2 - Choa Chu Kang West, JS2A - Forest Hill.
Middle (L - R) : JS3 - Tengah, JS4 - Hong Kah, JS5 - Corporation.
Bottom (L - R) : JS6 - Jurong West, JS7 - Bahar Junction, JS8 - Boon Lay.

Overview of JRL stations JW1 & JW2 and JE1 - JE7 as of November 2023.
Top (L - R) : JW1 - Gek Poh, JW2 - Tawas, JE1 - Tengah Plantation.
Middle (L - R) : JE2 - Tengah Park, JE3 - Bukit Batok West, JE4 - Toh Guan.
Bottom (L - R) : JE5 - Jurong East, JE6 - Jurong Town Hall, JE7 - Pandan Gardens.

Overview of JRL stations JS9 - JS12 and JW3 - JW5 as of November 2023.
Top (L - R) : JS9 - Enterprise, JS10 - Tukang, JS11 - Jurong Hill.
Middle (L - R) : JS12 - Jurong Pier, JW3 - Nanyang Gateway, JW4 - Nanyang Crescent.
Bottom (L - R) : JW5 - Peng Kang Hill, Contract J101 - Tengah Depot, Contract J120 - Jurong East
Integrated Transport Hub.

November has been a busy month for all Jurong Region Line (JRL) contractors. A fair number of viaduct spans have been completed in the past month and station construction has come some way along with several stations moving to work on the platform levels. Here's a look back at the November snapshot of work progress on the line.

Thursday, November 30, 2023

J106 - Boon Lay update Q3 2023


24 September 2023 - Aerial view of the southern half of the station.

Contract J106 has been bustling with work making significant progress over the past quarter. The station building is now becoming visible with the southern and northern halves using various pier support methods to keep the station elevated above Jurong West Street 64. Viaduct segment launching has also made significant progress with most spans installed. The only exception would be the spans that are supported by the movement & expansion joint piers. The installation of viaduct spans on these piers will require the use of trestles - a sort of frame that can hold the viaduct segments in place that is supported on the ground - and thus these spans are being left for the last parts of viaduct construction.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

J105 - Bahar Junction update Q3 2023


10 September 2023 - An aerial view of the station site at end-Q3 2023.

If any station or site were to give Tengah a run for its money, hands down it would be Bahar Junction. Three platforms - check. Straddling three different roadways - check. Building the station above a junction as well? Check. Amazingly, progress is starting to make up some ground over the past quarter as the construction of the station shifts gears from foundation and pier-work to casting of the supporting crossheads and concourse slab. Mid-way through the past quarter, road diversions were also put in place which constrained the road capacity at the key junction where Jurong West Avenue 4 meets Streets 64 and 75 - all major thoroughfares.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

J105 - Jurong West update Q3 2023


16 September 2023

Construction is not always boring. Occasionally, you do come across a stunning landscape with partially constructed viaducts that catch the light in the right manner. Some of the images captured over at contract J105's Jurong West site over the past quarter were really magical. The theme of this post will be that pictures do speak a thousand words. Do check them out after the jump!

Monday, November 20, 2023

J103 - Corporation update Q3 2023


16 September 2023 - A view of progress at the station at the end of Q3 2023.

Hey there, thanks for putting up with the team being on vacation the last few days. It's been good to have a bit of a break and for the majority of the time we'd been on vacation had scheduled posts in our absence. But we're ready to get back into our regular quarterly updates and with an upcoming November snapshot in a few weeks' time, so do get ready for those.

Today we're looking at the progress made at contract J103's Corporation station. To date, the Land Transport Authority has not confirmed the station names or put them up for voting/suggestions as they had done with other lines previously. We're wondering if they will be doing the same for the Jurong Region Line (JRL) and Cross Island Line (CRL), or if they will ultimately simply decide on the names themselves. The last round where members of the public got to vote for or suggest station names was on the Circle Line stage 6 (CCL6) back in 2017 - 6 years ago.

Nonetheless, the lack of a confirmed station name has not hindered progress over at Corporation station's site. Over the past quarter, work has progressed to finish up the majority of the concourse slab with works beginning on the concourse level columns towards the end of the quarter. Viaduct piers on either side of the station were also in progress, with the viaduct segment launching taking place on the eastern side of the station. Preparation works were being undertaken ahead of the launching gantry's eventual installation atop the piers as well.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

J103 - Hong Kah update Q3 2023


1 September 2023 - The sun breaking through the cloud cover over Hong Kah station in
Tengah New Town.

Hong Kah station is one of the stations along the Jurong Region Line (JRL)'s Phase 1 that is on the slower end of the progress spectrum. Over the past quarter, the station has been seemingly stuck in limbo with the first level station columns completed. The connecting beams that will support the second level - the concourse - should be the next step in construction. However there does not appear to be much progress on this front.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

J102 - Choa Chu Kang West update Q3 2023


24 September 2023 - A view of station concourse slab crosshead construction at the end of Q3.

Transformation has taken place over the past quarter at the site of the Jurong Region Line (JRL)'s Choa Chu Kang West station and viaduct sites. Work has commenced on the station concourse slab crossheads which, like many other stations located in the road median, will help to support beams that will form the concourse slab eventually.

Friday, November 3, 2023

JRL - A snapshot in October 2023

Overview of JRL stations JS1 - JS8 as of October 2023.
Top (L - R): JS1 - Choa Chu Kang, JS2 - Choa Chu Kang West, JS2A - Forest Hill
Middle (L - R): JS3 - Tengah, JS4 - Hong Kah, JS5 - Corporation
Bottom (L - R): JS6 - Jurong West, JS7 - Bahar Junction, JS8 - Boon Lay

Overview of JRL stations JW1 - JW2 & JE1 - JE7 as of October 2023.
Top (L - R): JW1 - Gek Poh, JW2 - Tawas, JE1 - Tengah Plantation
Middle (L - R): JE2 - Tengah Park, JE3 - Bukit Batok West, JE4 - Toh Guan
Bottom (L - R): JE5 - Jurong East, JE6 - Jurong Town Hall, JE7 - Pandan Reservoir

Overview of JRL stations JW3 - JW5 & JS9 - JS12 as of October 2023.
Top (L - R): JS9 – Enterprise, JS10 – Tukang, JS11 – Jurong HillJW3 - Nanyang Gateway
Middle (L - R): JS12 – Jurong Pier, JW3 – Nanyang Crescent, JW4 – Nanyang Gateway 
Bottom (L - R): JW5 – Peng Kang Hill, Contract J120, Tengah depot

In the blink of an eye October has come and gone. 2024 is now a mere 2 months away, less than 60 days. With the passage of time gaining momentum as we hurtle towards the end of 2023, here's the October 2023 snapshot of the JRL stations, viaducts and depot for your viewing pleasure.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

J102 - Choa Chu Kang update Q3 2023


24 September 2023 - An overview of the station site at the end of Q3 2023.

Work over at Choa Chu Kang station has been barreling along with major progress made over the past quarter. Station columns have gone up and the viaduct piers parallel to the North-South Line (NSL) and Bukit Panjang LRT tracks have sprung up with crosshead construction beginning as well. Be warned, this post is going to be a long one and photo-heavy.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

J108 - Bukit Batok West update Q2 & Q3 2023


16 April 2023 - An aerial view of the station site in early Q2 2023.

Bukit Batok West has been like the middle child in a family of 3 children - there but sometimes a little overlooked. Contract J108 is for the construction of viaducts and stations JE1, JE2 and JE3 for the Jurong Region Line (JRL). With so much action taking place at Tengah Plantation (JE1) and Tengah Park (JE2), with both stations having visible structures up to the concourse level, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why there hasn't been a lot of coverage of Bukit Batok West. Nonetheless, the sleepy station is finally finding its footing and coming out of its long slumber to show some signs of progress. Do read on to find out more.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

J115A - Peng Kang Hill update Q3 2023


16 September 2023 - A view of the work site and the valley through which the line will travel
before arriving at the terminus within NTU.

Contract J115A was the last of the civil contracts for the Jurong Region Line (JRL) to be awarded. As such, construction within the contract is not at such an advanced stage despite being awarded to the same contractor responsible for the neighbouring contract J113 for Nanyang Gateway & Nanyang Crescent station. This is likely due to cost reduction measures which resulted in the contract having to be re-tendered. The original contract J115 had also included works for the remote stabling facility to be constructed next to the Peng Kang Hill station. Under the revised contract J115A only provision stubs will be catered for to connect to such a facility in future.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

J113 - More piers in NTU | Nanyang Gateway update Q3 2023


1 September 2023 - A view of the station site for Nanyang Crescent along Nanyang Avenue,
looking eastwards.

Over the past 9 months since we last updated on the stations at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), the various construction sites here have made some significant progress. Contract J113 for the construction of Nanyang Gateway and Nanyang Crescent  Jurong Region Line (JRL) stations has seen quick progress with several piers slowly climbing upwards as work progresses within the university. In our previous post, we covered the semi-completed piers near Nanyang Crescent station, thus this post will focus on the sites near to Nanyang Gateway station.

Sunday, October 1, 2023

J113 - First phase 3 piers in NTU | Nanyang Crescent update Q3 2023


16 September 2023 - A view of one of the approximately 8 piers currently under construction for
phase 3 of the Jurong Region Line.

During our time away from Nanyang Technological University (NTU), work has progressed to the extent that there are now several piers under construction at various stages within contract J113. These represent the first piers of phase 3 of the Jurong Region Line (JRL), which consists of 4 contracts awarded to 3 different sets of contractors. The contractor for all contracts within NTU happen to be the same. As of the time of visit, approximately 8 piers were in progress. The 4 closest to Nanyang Crescent station were at the most advanced stage of construction of the 8, owing to the topography of the area where the pier columns will not be excessively high.

Friday, September 29, 2023

JRL - A snapshot in September 2023

Overview of JRL stations JS1 - JS8 as of September 2023.
Top (L - R): JS1 - Choa Chu Kang, JS2 - Choa Chu Kang West, JS2A - Forest Hill
Middle (L - R): JS3 - Tengah, JS4 - Hong Kah, JS5 - Corporation
Bottom (L - R): JS6 - Jurong West, JS7 - Bahar Junction, JS8 - Boon Lay

Overview of JRL stations JW1 - JW2 & JE1 - JE7 as of September 2023.
Top (L - R): JW1 - Gek Poh, JW2 - Tawas, JE1 - Tengah Plantation
Middle (L - R): JE2 - Tengah Park, JE3 - Bukit Batok West, JE4 - Toh Guan
Bottom (L - R): JE5 - Jurong East, JE6 - Jurong Town Hall, JE7 - Pandan Reservoir

Overview of JRL stations JW3 - JW5 & JS9 - JS12 as of September 2023.
Top (L - R): Contract J120, Tengah depot, JW3 - Nanyang Gateway
Middle (L - R): JW4 - Nanyang Crescent, JW5 - Peng Kang Hill, JS9 - Enterprise, 

Bottom (L - R): JS10 - Tukang, JS11 - Jurong Hill, JS12 - Jurong Pier

Wow, we managed to do it - all 24 + 1 stations & 1 depot of the Jurong Region Line (JRL) across 3 phases and 14 civil contracts - here in our September snapshot. Our snapshot gives you a rather quick month by month update that is more brief and current than our quarterly updates which tend to be deep dives of the construction progress. Naturally, these tend to be a bit more dated. Nonetheless, we hope that you enjoy the September 2023 JRL snapshot.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

J112 - Jurong Pier update H1 2023


2 June 2023 - A view of the station construction site. The line will terminate before the two
chimney stacks seen in the background.

As with fellow contract J112 station, Jurong Hill, it has been some time since we updated on the progress here. Nonetheless, here's an update on Jurong Pier station, albeit a bit delayed. To be honest though, there has not been much visible (or exciting) work taking place at the site. Most of the work has been within the station site to get the site prepared and foundation works completed for the station to be built atop later on. This station in particular, will have an exit connected via a subway. It is expected that the said exit will also serve the future Cross Island Line (CRL) station that is anticipated to be built along Jalan Buroh to offer additional connectivity in the form of a transfer point.

There may be potential for a small bus hub to also be located in the vicinity, relieving the existing bus interchanges at Boon Lay and Jurong East of some services and freeing the interchanges up further.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

J112 - Jurong Hill update H1 2023


2 June 2023 - A view of Jurong Pier Road, looking southwards to the site of Jurong Hill station.

Contract J112 takes over from where contract J111 ends, at the southern end of Jalan Boon Lay. This contract will see the construction of the 2 southern-most stations on the Jurong Region Line (JRL) western route at Jurong Hill & Jurong Pier. Also to be built under this contract is a vehicular underpass beneath the Ayer Rajah Expressway (AYE), connecting Jalan Boon Lay & Jurong Pier Road. The JRL viaduct piers will sit in the median of the underpass, thus calling for a complex sequence of construction as the pile caps will need to sit even further below ground to make room for the underpass which must be built underneath the existing AYE flyover. In this post, we take a look at the progress made at the Jurong Hill station site in the first half of 2023.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

J111 - Tukang update H1 2023


2 June 2023

The second station being built under contract J111 is Tukang. Located at the southern end of Jalan Boon Lay, near the namesake Jalan Tukang, the station will serve industrial buildings at the southern part of the Jurong Industrial Estate. Of the two stations under the contract, Tukang is the one slower in progress. This update covers the slight changes noted at the site over the first half of 2023.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

J151 - Preview by LTA & more


Source: LTA

Today the Land Transport Authority (LTA) released a video showing a preview of the Jurong Region Line (JRL) trains undergoing testing in Korea. Two prototype trains have been produced thus far and are being put through their paces via dynamic tests on a test track. The sets are likely to be set 1 and 2, which will later be updated and shipped over to Singapore after production of the batch of 60 remaining trains has commenced. The same happened for the Downtown Line (DTL), where set 3 of the trains was the first to be shipped to Singapore, following prototype tests on sets 1 and 2, which were then updated with refined components used on the final batch of trains.

Source: 남천역

Another clip also shows the two trains on the test track in Korea. The first train can be seen at the 0:27 mark while the second is seen later at 1:02. We look forward to the completion of testing & for the first train to reach Singapore, roughly expected to be around 2025.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

J111 - Enterprise update Q2 2023


29 June 2023 - A section of the site of Enterprise station.

Contract J111 was awarded to China Harbour (Singapore) Engineering Company, the company's first contract to construct an MRT section in Singapore. The contract calls for the construction of Enterprise (JS9) & Tukang (JS10) stations and associated viaducts. Either end of the contract interfaces with adjoining contracts for other sections of the line - the western end connecting to the Boon Lay station with a cripple siding track and the southern end continuing over the Ayer Rajah Expressway to Jurong Hill.

Friday, September 1, 2023

JRL - A snapshot in August 2023

Overview of JRL stations JS1 - JS8 as at end-July or August 2023.
Top (L - R): JS1 - Choa Chu Kang, JS2 - Choa Chu Kang West, JS2A - Forest Hill
Middle (L - R): JS3 - Tengah, JS4 - Hong Kah, JS5 - Corporation
Bottom (L - R): JS6 - Jurong West, JS7 - Bahar Junction, JS8 - Boon Lay

Overview of JRL stations JW1 - JW2 & JE1 - JE7 as at end-July or August 2023.
Top (L - R): JW1 - Gek Poh, JW2 - Tawas, JE1 - Tengah Plantation
Middle (L - R): JE2 - Tengah Park, JE3 - Bukit Batok West, JE4 - Toh Guan
Bottom (L - R): JE5 - Jurong East, JE6 - Jurong Town Hall, JE7 - Pandan Reservoir

Overview of JRL stations JS9 - JS12 as at end-July or August 2023.
Top (L - R): JS9 - Enterprise, JS10 - Tukang
Bottom (L - R): JS11 - Jurong Hill, JS12 - Jurong Pier

So we're going to try something new, given that we're aware our quarterly updates take extremely long and don't seem to be current enough. Here's a snapshot of the progress of the Jurong Region Line (JRL) stations under phases 1 and 2 as of end-July or August 2023. We'll try to see if we can do these for more current updates once a month to give you an idea of the latest progress, on top of the compiled quarterly progress updates.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

J109 - Pandan Reservoir update Q2 2023


20 May 2023 - A view of Pandan Reservoir station site.

The last station under contract J109, and for our phase 2 updates as of Q2 2023, is Pandan Reservoir. This station will also be the terminus of the eastern route - until plans to extend the line are finalised. Initially, the line was anticipated to have ended at a station that would have allowed interchange connectivity with the Cross Island Line (CRL). However, we understand that as plans for the CRL were being drawn up, the West Coast station of the line was shifted further east to serve the West Coast neighbourhood proper. As such, the planned connecting station just across the Pandan River did not materialise. Combined with the fact that there were studies ongoing about extending this route of the Jurong Region Line (JRL) to link up with the Circle Line (CCL), ultimately lead to the line's eastern route terminating at Pandan Reservoir for the foreseeable future. At this moment, we are unsure if the CRL's West Coast station has any provisions for connection with an extension of the JRL from Pandan Reservoir.

Just like Jurong Town Hall's update for Q2 2023, we will begin with a review of the site as of Q1 2023.

Monday, August 28, 2023

J109 - Jurong Town Hall update Q2 2023


20 May 2023

While work at contract J109's Jurong Town Hall station site has been progressing, the rate at which it has been doing so is a little slow. Over the past quarter - Q2 of 2023 - there have not been many noticeable differences. We begin our Q2 review of this Jurong Region Line (JRL) station with a look back at the site towards the end of Q1 to jog our memories on how the site looked then.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

J110 - Jurong East update Q2 2023


25 June 2023 - Station columns being cast at ground level.

Contract J110 is for the construction of a new 4-storey annex to the existing Jurong East interchange station that will serve the new Jurong Region Line (JRL). Initially the original concept for the station's addition & alteration was to introduce an entirely new roof with suspended transfer link over the existing station. However an alternative option that was subsequently adopted will instead see the retention of the iconic spaceframe roof of the existing station with the transfer connections shifted to the western end of the station, taking over the former entrance plaza area. Over the past quarter, one has been able to see the station slowly begin to creep upwards with station columns being cast.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

J109 - Toh Guan update Q2 2023


16 April 2023 - A view of the viaduct piers along Bukit Batok South.

Toh Guan station falls under contract J109, one of the most unusual and interesting contracts we have seen in a while. This is largely due to the fact that the contract is split into two sections - the northern section where Toh Guan station is located and a southern section which continues after connecting near Jurong East station. For this update, we're looking at the northern section of the contract which begins with 5 viaduct piers along Bukit Batok South, parallel to the Pan Island Expressway (PIE). Works here have been progressing steadily and without much fanfare. This is our Q2 2023 update for Toh Guan station.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

J108 - Tengah Park update Q2 2023


29 June 2023 - A view of viaduct & station pier columns at Tengah Park station site.

The past quarter (Q2 2023) has been a busy period for contractor McConnell Dowell over at contract J108 for the construction of stations and viaducts at Tengah Plantation, Tengah Park & Bukit Batok West. The portion of viaduct spans north of Tengah Park station up to the point where the line veers off Bukit Batok Road and into Tengah has been completed. Work on the station structure at Tengah Park has taken off with the columns visible at the street level before the concourse level is added in. A second launch gantry is also being assembled to commence viaduct span construction on the southern side of the station.

The section in which launch gantry Magnificent Mammoth will operate to construct the viaducts.

Monday, August 7, 2023

J151 - Production prototype undergoes testing


The J151 prototype train being tested in South Korea as design validation.
Source: Rail Economy News

We had previously posted about the first Jurong Region Line (JRL) production prototype train being spotted on the tracks en route to the test track for overall testing and refinement of design. We now have some additional pictures to show and a video that also allows you to hear the train's motor as it accelerates off. Many thanks to @t0yk1 for sharing with us one of the videos they found - we appreciate such tip offs so do drop us a line via email, Instagram or Facebook if you come across something to share.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

JRL PIC - Updated with new 3D station models


1 August 2023 - A view of the Choa Chu Kang station complex, which will feature 10 platforms
when completed - 4 for the LRT, 3 for the NSL & 3 for JRL.

A recent post by MP for Keat Hong divison, Mr. Zhulkarnain Abdul Rahim, showed a visit to the Jurong Region Line (JRL) Project Information Centre (PIC) featuring new station architectural models. Our team made a visit to the JRL PIC today to check out the new additions to the collection.

View more images after the jump.

Monday, July 31, 2023

J108 - Tengah Plantation update Q2 2023


14 May 2023 - A view of the concourse slab that has been cast.
Source: LinkedIn

Having cleared our updates on the quicker-moving phase 1 of the Jurong Region Line (JRL), we're now starting our updates on the 7 stations that will form phase 2 of the line. The first of these is the hardest to reach - Tengah Plantation - which is sited in the middle of Plantation Crescent in Tengah new town. There is good news though, as the area is set to open up from around August with the home owners receiving their keys shortly. This means that the area will gradually become accessible in addition to having several vantage points from which the construction can be observed. We'll definitely be making use of these to bring you some updates.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

J108 - Second launch gantry


24 July 2023 - The second launch gantry for contract J108 raised into position south of Tengah
Park station to begin work.
Source: LinkedIn

Yesterday, the second launch gantry for contract J108 was raised into position south of Tengah Park station. The gantry will begin work assembling the viaduct spans for the cripple siding located here. The lifting process utilised 2 mobile crane units that lifted the gantry in a process known as a tandem lift. Once elevated to the desired height, the cranes swung the gantry over to the final position atop the supports and the gantry was locked in place.

J105 - Bahar Junction update Q2 2023


29 June 2023

Rounding up our update for Phase 1 of the Jurong Region Line (JRL) at Q2 is Bahar Junction station, also under contract J105. Similar with Jurong West station, we had done an update in the early part of the quarter hence this update covers the remaining parts of the quarter of May & June 2023.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

J105 - Jurong West update Q2 2023


15 June 2023 - Concrete pumping in progress for the casting of the station concourse slab.

To finish off our Q2 2023 updates on the Jurong Region Line (JRL) phase 1, we visit contract J105 for the construction of Jurong West station. We had earlier done an update between Q1 & Q2, hence this update will cover the updates of the remaining months for Q2 2023.