Overview of JRL stations
JW1 - JW2 & JE1 - JE7 as of November 2024.
Top (L - R): JW1 - Gek Poh, JW2 - Tawas, JE1 - Tengah Plantation
Middle (L - R): JE2 - Tengah Park, JE3 - Bukit Batok West, JE4 - Toh Guan
Bottom (L - R): JE5 - Jurong East, JE6 - Jurong Town Hall, JE7 - Pandan
Reservoir |
Overview of JRL stations
JW3 - JW5 & JS9 - JS12 as of November 2024.
Top (L - R): JS9 – Enterprise, JS10 – Tukang, JS11 – Jurong HillJW3 - Nanyang
Middle (L - R): JS12 – Jurong Pier, JW3 – Nanyang Gateway, JW4 – Nanyang
Bottom (L - R): JW5 – Peng Kang Hill, Contract J101 Tengah depot, Contract
J120 Jurong East ITH |
Amidst all the rain at the end of the year, we bring you the November Jurong Region Line (JRL) snapshot. With work going on round the clock, the various components and structures of the line inch closer to completion. That said, there still is a lot of work to be done as you'll see in this post. More pictures & details after the jump.