Wednesday, August 7, 2024

J106 - Boon Lay update Q2 2024

16 June 2024 - An aerial view of the new JRL station building and viaducts of contract J106.

Contract J106 for the construction of Boon Lay station and viaducts for the Jurong Region Line (JRL) has seen steady progress at its site through Q2 of the year. Through the quarter, the station building has continued to take shape with the structure rising from the concourse level on the third floor to the platform level on the fourth floor. Eventually, both halves of the station to the north and south of the existing East-West Line (EWL) viaduct will meet above the operational line.

1 May 2024 - A view of the progress of works for the station building as of mid-Q2.

16 June 2024 - A view of the progress of the station building as of end-Q2.

Within the existing EWL station
Works within the existing EWL station have also begun to show, with markings for the relocation of the faregates at Exit D appearing and hoarding for the new staircase connecting the concourse and platform levels going up. At Exit D, the relocated faregates will be arranged in a single row, rather than in the staggered arrangement that is currently utilised. This new arrangement will create a slightly large fare paid area that can accommodate an additional lift to be built.

13 April 2024 - A view of the existing EWL station's concourse fare paid area seen from the station's
western end.

13 April 2024 - Multiple markings on the floor for the relocation of faregates.

13 April 2024 - Another view of the markings on the floor. Work will
need to be done to re-route cabling for the repositioning of the faregates.

23 May 2024 - A view of cabling works as seen through one of the air wells in the station's
platform. The new staircase to be built will pop out here eventually.

23 May 2024 - A view of the concourse fare paid area from the station's eastern end. Additional
barriers were added on the right of the existing staircase.

23 May 2024 - At the far end of the faregates, some work was noticeable.

23 May 2024 - Part of the flooring had been replaced with metal
covers, indicating that some work was in progress.

23 June 2024 - A view of the existing staircase at platform level. This will eventually be demolished
to make way for an additional escalator.

23 June 2024 - Hoarding gone up for the construction of a new staircase to replace the existing
set of stairs.

23 June 2024

23 June 2024 - A view of the hoarding since gone up in end-Q2.

23 June 2024 - The metal covers had since been extended further east. The markings on the floor
likely show the new locations of the faregates, moved further towards Jurong Point shopping centre.

New JRL station building
Due to the site's constraints, being situated over a junction and a live railway line, the new JRL station building is being constructed in two halves on the north and southern flanks of the MRT viaduct. The halves are being constructed independently but will eventually join up in the middle, above the EWL tracks. Through the quarter, the building's structure has grown to be a slightly imposing structure next to the Jurong Point shopping centre.

1 May 2024 - A view of the northern half of the station building, near the Jurong Point carpark
entrance in mid-Q2.

1 May 2024 - The northern half of the station building seen from a distance at street level. Work
was taking place at the third floor, the concourse level.

1 May 2024 - A view of the northern half of the station building as seen from Jurong West Street 64.

1 May 2024 - An aerial view of works on the northern half of the station building.

1 May 2024 - A lift shaft can be seen under construction along with the station's horizontal beams.

1 May 2024 - An aerial view of the station's southern half, also with work ongoing at the third
floor or concourse level.

23 May 2024 - A view of the station building as seen from the southern side.

23 May 2024 - A close up view of the southern half of the station building.

23 May 2024

23 May 2024 - Rebar & casting work in progress. Precast slabs were used for part of the
concourse level.

23 May 2024 - The precast slabs can be seen near the rebar stumps for the concourse level columns.

23 May 2024 - A view of the northern half of the station building, as seen from the southern side.

23 May 2024 - A view of the northern half of the building, seen from street level.

23 May 2024

23 May 2024 - A view of the northern half of the station building with The Centris condominium
in the background.

23 May 2024

23 May 2024 - Another view of the station structure near the entrance to Jurong Point's carpark.

16 June 2024 - The station's northern half beginning work on the supporting beams for the platform

16 June 2024 - The northern half as seen from street level in end-Q2.

16 June 2024

16 June 2024 - Another view of the northern half of the station building.

16 June 2024

16 June 2024 - The rebar covered in blue hoarding will be where the linkbridge to Exit 6 will

16 June 2024 - An overview of the station building progress as at end-Q2.

16 June 2024 - Work well underway at the platform level of the southern half.

16 June 2024 - Another view of the southern half's progress.

16 June 2024

16 June 2024 - Some remaining columns awaiting further crosshead construction.

16 June 2024 - Columns in between the existing EWL viaducts will support the paid transfer link.

16 June 2024 - Details of the station's concourse level which may see precast beams added to
bridge the gap to the next pier.

16 June 2024

23 June 2024 - The northern half of the station, seen at the tail end of Q2.

23 June 2024

23 June 2024

23 June 2024 - Casting work about to begin for one of the final portal piers supporting the station
on the northern end. Piers for the station's southern half will be in the road median.

The last section we'll look at is the progress of viaducts along contract J106. Like with the station building, there are 2 main sections where viaduct construction work is taking place. The northern stretch is where the main line runs and connects to the Bahar Junction station, while the southern stretch will be used as over run tracks until phase 3 of the line comes into operation.

Work along the southern stretch has continued to progress with the launching of viaduct segmental boxes using the balanced cantilevered method over the past quarter. At the end of Q2, there were still several gaps to be filled, notably the sections that include the movement & expansion joints, for which the sections of viaduct interfacing with the piers had yet to commence construction.

On the other hand, the northern stretch features approximately 5 movement & expansion joint piers of which at least 2 had begun construction of the associated viaduct spans. Steel supports were used to provide support to the initial set of segments being launched, with subsequent segments added on to balance the load on the bearings of the movement & expansion joints as the spans grew further. In addition, near the northern-most end, parapet wall installation works commenced with the parapet erector being hoisted up onto the viaduct.

13 April 2024 - A view of a movement & expansion joint pier on the left, at the junction of
Jurong West Street 64 & Jurong West Central 3.

13 April 2024 - Viaduct construction underway just north of the station building.

13 April 2024 - A view northwards along Jurong West Street 64, with another movement &
expansion joint pier in view.

13 April 2024 - Completed spans along Jurong West Street 64.

13 April 2024 - The third movement & expansion joint pier of the northern stretch in view.

13 April 2024 - Work to launch segments had begun for the the fourth movement & expansion
joint pier.

13 April 2024 - A close up of the cherry picker machine allowing workers access to the platform
supporting the launching of segments.

13 April 2024

13 April 2024 - The parapet wall erector while still on the street.

13 April 2024 - A view towards the northern-most end of the viaducts under contract J106.

13 April 2024 - The northern-most end involves viaduct construction at several portal piers.

1 May 2024 - A view of precast crosshead beam installation for a viaduct pier immediately north
of the station building.

1 May 2024 - A view of viaduct construction at the junction of Jurong West Street 64 & Jurong
West Central 1.

1 May 2024 - Viaduct spans towards the north along Jurong West Street 64.

1 May 2024 - A stretch of completed viaduct spans next to Frontier Community Club building.

1 May 2024 - A view of the southern stretch of viaducts with launching of segments using the
balanced cantilevered method underway.

1 May 2024 - The southern stretch involves a mere 3 piers.

12 May 2024 - A view of the completed stretch of viaduct spans next to Frontier Community
Club building in mid-Q2.

12 May 2024 - The blue steel support frame beginning to go up around the movement &
expansion joint pier.

12 May 2024 - A view of progress at the fourth movement & expansion joint pier.

12 May 2024 - An aerial view of the segment launching works taking place.

12 May 2024 - The parapet wall erector, since hoisted onto the completed viaduct span. Several
segments of the parapet wall can be see lifted into place.

12 May 2024

12 May 2024 - A clearer view of the fifth movement & expansion joint pier, which is also a portal
pier. This will eventually be handed over to neighbouring contract J105 to facilitate their
span construction works.

23 May 2024 - Progress of the viaduct along the southern stretch. The lifting frames have since
been removed from the first pier and relocated to the second pier.

23 May 2024 - A view of the viaduct's progress as seen from street level.

23 May 2024 - Viaduct piers immediately north of the station building with segment launching underway.

23 May 2024 - Segment launching at the fourth movement & expansion joint pier.

23 May 2024 - An aerial view of the northern-most end of the contract J106 viaduct, with the
parapet wall erector in view.

16 June 2024 - A view of the southern stretch's viaduct construction progress seen from below.

16 June 2024 - Only a few more segments remain to span completion.

16 June 2024 - An aerial view of the northern stretch of viaduct under contract J106.

16 June 2024 - An aerial view of the southern stretch of viaducts under contract J106.

16 June 2024 - Minimal progress seen for the section immediately north of the station building.

16 June 2024

16 June 2024 - An aerial view of the third movement & expansion joint pier within the section.

16 June 2024 - Launching works at the fourth movement & expansion joint pier were nearly

16 June 2024 - This completed span is where the crossovers before the Boon Lay station will be

16 June 2024 - A view southwards towards the Boon Lay station.

16 June 2024 - Progress of the segment launching as seen from street level.

16 June 2024 - Near the northern-most end of the viaduct for the contract.

16 June 2024

16 June 2024 - Not much progress for parapet walls yet.

23 June 2024 - Lifting frames playing a balancing act at the southern stretch of viaduct.

23 June 2024 - The pair of lifting frames on the shorter span have been moved back to balance
the load and allow the longer span to continue launching segments.

23 June 2024 - This section is where the crossovers will end.

23 June 2024 - Another view of the section immediately north of the station building.

It will definitely be interesting to see how the works progress through the third quarter of the year as the viaducts should begin to reach completion. As the length of viaduct to be constructed is short in comparison to other contracts, the work should progress somewhat quicker, potentially overtaking the progress levels of other contracts. Do check back for updates some time soon!

This post will also be available on Instagram & Facebook on 8 August 2024.

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