
Thursday, October 7, 2021

J108 Construction Update - Q3 2021

25 September 2021 - A view of the route as the line swings in to Tengah estate as seen from Bukit Batok Road.

Phase 2 of the Jurong Region Line (JRL) is the final phase we cover in our update for Quarter 3 of 2021. This phase consists of 4 contracts - J108, J109, J110 and J120 for the construction of various parts of viaducts and stations. Contract J108 was won by John Holland-McConnell Dowell and will connect phase 2 to the rest of the line at phase 1's Tengah interchange station. The contract will involve the construction of 3 stations at Tengah Plantation, Tengah Park & Bukit Batok West.

As this post is rather photo-heavy, we have decided to break the post up according to contract for easier readability. Do look out for our subsequent posts on other sections of the line.

Contract J108 - JE1 Tengah Plantation
The area around the future Tengah Plantation station has seen quite a dramatic change, however there is little visible work at the station site itself. As the immediate area is not accessible, it is also not easy to obtain a good vantage point to see construction progress up close.

25 September 2021 - An aerial view of the JRL as it turns off Bukit Batok Road into Tengah.

25 September 2021 - An aerial view of Tengah Plantation station in the distance. The station site is
likely to be located near the construction barriers in the midground, near the orange silos.

18 February 2019 - An aerial view of the same area overlooking the site of Tengah Plantation.

25 September 2021 - A close up view showing the red and white construction barriers.

25 September 2021 - A close up view of the construction barriers and auger machine at the probable
site of the Tengah Plantation station.

One can surmise that the area barricaded with red and white construction barriers demarcates the station site. An auger machine can be seen and is likely to be used to create the bored pile foundations for the station columns which will sit in the road median.

25 September 2021 - An aerial view showing a gantry crane in the background.

25 September 2021 - A closer view of the gantry crane in the background.

Gantry cranes being assembled in the staging/casting yard area.
Source: Jenmon

Gantry crane in the J108 staging/casting yard area.
Source: Jenmon

Gantry crane in the J108 staging/casting yard area. Bukit Gombak area is clearly visible in the midground of the image.
Source: Jenmon

Further afield, a staging site and casting yard has been established. Based on reports from gantry crane supplier Jenmon, the site is established close to the JRL junction between phase 1 and phase 2.

Contract J108 - JE2 Tengah Park
Site clearing is well underway at Tengah Park station with a portion of the roadside trees and undergrowth being cleared to make way for upcoming station construction. A station entrance with accompanying linkbridge spanning across Bukit Batok Road will also be constructed next to Dulwich College. This site is being hoarded up and the perimeter wall of Dulwich College is being relocated to make way for the construction site.

25 September 2021 - A view along Bukit Batok Road near the site of the Tengah Park station. The
area to the left will be the worksite for an entrance linked by an overhead bridge to the station on
the right. Hoarding and barricades have been put in place for both sites.

18 February 2019 - A view along the same stretch of road prior to work

25 September 2021 - Circular to residents

25 September 2021 - Circular to residents.

25 September 2021 - Circular to residents.

25 September 2021 - Site clearing & tree felling for Tengah Park station.

25 September 2021 - Hoarding up at heavy vehicle park.

29 November 2020 - Heavy vehicle park before works commenced.

Contract J108 - JE3 Bukit Batok West
Noise barriers are being installed near the site of the Bukit Batok West station to minimise disturbance to the neighbouring residential blocks. Further along, portions of the Bukit Batok Sensory Park next to the Pan Island Expressway (PIE) have been closed off and work to clear the site is underway.

02 October 2021 - Noise barriers installed as seen from Bukit Batok Road.

18 February 2019 - A view of the area before work commenced.

02 October 2021 - Noise barriers near blocks 170 to 172 as seen from the pedestrian overhead bridge across the PIE.

02 October 2021 - Indication of the work areas being blocked off and access to the 2 pedestrian overhead bridges across the PIE.

02 October 2021 - A view of the areas being barricaded off for works.

02 October 2021 - On-going works in the construction site.

02 October 2021 - A view of the site being cleared as seen from the pedestrian overhead bridge.

02 October 2021 - Notice to residents of use of drone for overhead
imaging of the construction site.

02 October 2021 - Notice to residents on installation of noise barriers.

02 October 2021 - Location of noise barrier installation.

Overall we are pleased to see visible signs of works ramping up through the clearing of sites. As construction progresses, the works will become more easily spotted as viaduct piers go up and launch gantries begin making their way along the line installing the viaduct beams.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, will there be any construction updates for CCL6, TEL4 and 5, and CRL soon?
