
Thursday, October 14, 2021

J109 Construction Update - Q3 2021


3D rendering of the northern section of contract J109.
Source: Jurong-Clementi Town Council

As our previous post was getting rather long, we decided to split up the updates for easier readability. This section will cover updates on contract J109, the second contract under phase 2 of the Jurong Region Line (JRL). Contract J109 was won by Daewoo - Yongnam joint venture and involves the construction of Toh Guan, Jurong Town Hall & Pandan Reservoir stations. Interestingly this contract is split into 2 sectors located north and south of Jurong East interchange which will be built under a separate contract, being contract J110 won by Daelim.

Contract J109 - JE4 Toh Guan
This part of the contract shows the most significant visible progress work. Connecting to the neighbouring J108 contract at Bukit Batok Sensory Park, clearing work is underway. Several trees have been cleared to make way for the eventual viaduct alignment.

02 October 2021 - Notice to residents of work at Bukit Batok Sensory Park.

02 October 2021 - Works area diagram showing the outline of the viaduct & piers.

02 October 2021 - Banner showing project hotlines at the J109 construction site in Bukit Batok
Sensory Park.

02 October 2021 - An aerial view of construction works. The playground is
being dismantled to make way for the construction site. Across the Pan
Island Expressway, a site is being cleared for construction next to Crest
Secondary School.

02 October 2021 - An aerial view of the station site along Jurong East

02 October 2021 - Notice to residents of trial trenching activities.

02 October 2021 - Locations of proposed soil investigations & trial trenches.

02 October 2021 - An aerial view of the station site. Locations where trial trenches have been dug
are visible as re-surfaced portions of the roadway.

02 October 2021 - An aerial view of the station site looking south, with
Jurong East visible in the background.

Contract J109 - JE6 Jurong Town Hall
Jurong Town Hall station is sited opposite the International Business Park. A small area of pavement has been diverted, likely to make way for the construction of a site entrance. Apart from this several soil investigation rigs can be seen near the bus stop at the station site. There are no other visible construction works at this southern section of the contract for the moment.

02 October 2021 - A view of the approximate station site looking from International Business Park.

02 October 2021 - A portion of the sidewalk pavement has been diverted.

02 October 2021 - Works within the barricaded area.

02 October 2021 - Works are likely to create a site entrance.

02 October 2021 - A soil investigation rig near the station site.

02 October 2021 - A view along the southbound carriageway of Jurong
Town Hall road. The viaduct will run on the right side of the roadway.

02 October 2021 - A view along the northbound carriageway of Jurong
Town Hall Road. The viaduct will cross from the left to the right around
here to approach Jurong East interchange.

Contract J109 - JE7 Pandan Reservoir
Similar to Jurong Town Hall, there is not much visible work occurring at this site as of yet. A site office sits at the junction with Teban Gardens Road and a small site is hoarded up with some earthworks on-going. Apart from this there is not much else visible to state that construction has commenced.

02 October 2021 - Site offices.

02 October 2021 - Small construction site has been barricaded off.

11 February 2019 - Before commencement of work.

02 October 2021 - A view of the station site on the right seen from Teban Gardens Road.

21 April 2019 - A view of the station site from northbound carriageway of Jurong Town Hall Road.

Our next post will conclude with an update on the final 2 contracts of this phase - J110 and J120.

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