
Thursday, September 30, 2021

JRL3 Construction Update - Q3 2021


25 September 2021 - Slope stabilization works at Jurong Hill station site.

Phase 3 of the Jurong Region Line will be the last stage of the line to be commissioned.  This phase comprises of approximately 4 contracts - J111, J112, J113 & J115A. Of these, three have since been awarded, with 1 contract - J115A - being re-tendered. As this section of the line will be commissioned around 2028 to 2029, the works at the sites are not at an advanced stage yet with mostly utility works in progress. This is likely due to the contracts being recently awarded as well.

Contract J111 - JS9 Enterprise
For this station, several trial trenches can be seen along the stretch of Jalan Boon Lay. Several sewer diversion work sites can also be seen and the road has been re-paved where utility diversion works have taken place.

25 September 2021 - Trial trenching activities visible.

25 September 2021 - Further signs of advanced works for utility diversion.

Contract J111 - JS10 Tukang
Similar to the stretch along the location of Enterprise station, utility diversion works are underway with several sewer diversion sites and several trial trenches visible.

25 September 2021 - Signs of extensive utility diversion works.

25 September 2021 - Extensive works for sewer diversion at Tukang station site

4 March 2019 - A view of the station site area prior to commencement of works.

Contract J112 - JS11 Jurong Hill
Some work can be seen occurring on Jurong Hill, to the west of the station site. These appear to be slope stabilization works as a part of the hill has been cut away, potentially to facilitate either road diversions or construction site staging. Apart from this, not much other work is visible.

25 September 2021 - A view of Jurong Pier Road where the Jurong Hill station will sit.

25 September 2021 - Another view of the slope stabilization works near Jurong Hill station site.

4 March 2019 - A view of the same stretch prior to works beginning.

Contract J112 - JS12 Jurong Pier
This station sits in the existing parking lot next to the Jurong Pier flyover. Works at the roundabout below the flyover can be seen, but these are likely to only be preparatory works and may involve utility diversions or soil strengthening.

25 September 2021 - A slight road diversion in place next to the Jurong Pier Flyover approach.

4 March 2019 - View of similar area before commencement of works.

25 September 2021 - Utility diversion works in progress at the Jurong Pier circus (roundabout).

4 March 2019 - A view of the circus prior to works commencement.

25 September 2021 - A view of the Jurong Pier station site.

25 September 2021 - A view of the approximate location of the remote entrance which will be connected by underpass to the Jurong Pier station.

Contract J113 - JW3 Nanyang Gateway
There are very few signs of work at this station location and it appears as though the contractor has yet to possess the site. Several trial trenches dot the area currently.

25 September 2021 - The red and white construction barriers mark the location where the line will
turn in to Nanyang Technological University from Tawas station.

4 March 2019 - A view of the same area prior to site possession.

Contract J113 - JW4 Nanyang Crescent
The road median divider has been removed at this location, paving the way for the roadway to be shifted slightly and without a permanent barrier located between either carriageway. This will likely help to free up room for station construction next to the National Institute of Education (NIE) building.

25 September 2021 - Works to remove the centre divider along the road carriageway, most likely to 
facilitate a small diversion. Nanyang Crescent station will be immediately on the right of this image.

25 September 2021 - Works to remove the centre divider, at the pedestrian overhead bridge between
the North Spine & NIE buildings.

4 March 2019 - A view of the centre divider before works commencement, looking towards the
NIE building.

4 March 2019 - A view looking east from the pedestrian overhead bridge showing the centre divider.
Nanyang Crescent station will be sited on the grass verge to the left of the image with the platform
level almost at the same level as the street.

As the contract for J115A for the construction of the station at Peng Kang Hill is not yet awarded, it is unlikely that there is any major change to the site. In view of this, the team decided not to visit the station site area till a later date.

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