
Monday, August 26, 2024

J108 - Tengah Plantation, Tengah Park & Bukit Batok West update Q2 2024

An overview of contract J108 stations at Tengah Plantation (top), Tengah Park (middle) and
Bukit Batok West (bottom) as of end-Q2 in June 2024.

Over Q2, contract J108 has seen the stations at Tengah Plantation & Tengah Park continue to take shape. Work at Bukit Batok West has also began to speed up with the structure of the station becoming more visible as more station columns are cast. Viaduct construction work also pushed further into Tengah. while causing some road diversions, ultimately inching towards completion. Other developments were also made in completing the various spans using the launch gantries Rock Steady and Magnificent Mammoth. More information after the jump.

JE1 - Tengah Plantation
Progress in Q2 saw the construction of the trackbeds commence from the eastern end of the station and slowly reach the western end by the end of the quarter. Concurrently, precast slabs were also installed where the platform deck will be cast over eventually. Work had yet to begin on any of the station exits during this quarter.

20 April 2024 - An aerial view eastwards of the Tengah Plantation station in early-Q2.

22 May 20244 - An aerial view eastwards of the Tengah Plantation station in mid-Q2.

24 June 20244 - An aerial view eastwards of the Tengah Plantation station in end-Q2.

Launch gantry Magnificent Mammoth continued to operate in the balanced cantilevered mode through Q2, constructing the viaduct spans along Plantation Crescent. This gantry is capable of operating in a mix of span-by-span or balanced cantilevered modes. Progress through the quarter saw the closing of the gaps between the piers, with spans progressing from the portal pier to the subsequent half-span remaining to bridge the gap to the movement & expansion joint pier. Following the closure of this half-span gap, the gantry would revert to span-by-span operations for the remainder of the spans up to the station building.

20 April 2024 - A view of launch gantry Magnificent Mammoth as seen from street level in

22 May 2024 - Progress of launch gantry Magnificent Mammoth along Plantation Crescent in

22 May 2024 - An aerial view of the gantry's progress in mid-Q2.

24 June 2024 - An aerial view of the gantry's progress in end-Q2.

24 June 2024 - A street level view of launch gantry Magnificent Mammoth's progress as of
end-Q2. The last half-span segment is to be constructed.

Just west of the Tengah Plantation station, a string of approximately 6 viaduct piers stood awaiting viaduct span construction work commencement. Early preparatory works included launching the initial starter segments for the first pier to the west of the station. A total of 14 viaduct spans will need to be constructed in this segment for the works to be completed, pending the arrival of the launch gantry from the eastern side of the station building.

20 April 2024 - The starter segments hoisted into position ahead of full span works.

20 April 2024 - A view of the remaining 5 piers to the interface with contract J102.

22 May 2024 - A view of the 6th viaduct pier and the station building in mid-Q2.

22 May 2024 - The remaining 6 piers on the western side of the station.

22 May 2024

24 June 2024 - A view of the piers near the intersection with Tengah Boulevard, after the removal
of the hoisting beam, in end-Q2.

24 June 2024 - The remaining piers along Plantation Crescent in end-Q2.

JE2 - Tengah Park
The station building has been slowly taking shape, with casting works moving from the concourse level to the platform level through the quarter. Initially beginning at the southern end, the works progressively moved northwards.

20 April 2024 - A view of the station building in early-Q2. Work was completing on the
station columns at concourse level.

22 May 2024 - By mid-Q2, work had begun on the underplatform & trackbed.

24 June 2024 - In end-Q2, most of the station was focused on the casting of the underplatform and

Also highly visible has been the construction of the viaduct spans connecting the viaduct to the station building. The first of these spans was constructed for the Pandan Reservoir-bound track's northern approach. A trestle structure was assembled upon which viaduct segmental boxes were placed before span stressing works were conducted to ensure that the span was supported sufficiently to stand on its own. With the completion of the launching works for this span, yet another station has been connected to the viaduct spans. A further 3 spans will need to be constructed before the station is fully connected to the viaducts.

20 April 2024 - A view of the trestle being assembled ahead of viaduct segment launching to
connect the Pandan Reservoir-bound track with the station building.

22 May 2024 - Another view of the trestle structure from within Tengah.

24 June 2024 - Completed span now sits, supported by the trestle, as tendon stressing works are
carried out to allow the span to support itself in end-Q2.

Also located nearby, is an electrical substation that will assist to provide power to the line. The base structure of the substation had begun to take shape over Q2 with casting of the permanent structures taking place.

22 May 2024 - An aerial view of the electrical substation construction in mid-Q2.

24 June 2024 - Significant progress at the substation with the casting of the base structures.

The viaducts south of the station were being constructed fast & furious as launch gantry Rock Steady made decent headway over at the cripple siding section. By the end of the quarter, the gantry was starring down the final span section just next to Bukit Batok Road. At the end closer to the Tengah Park station, parapet wall installation had also begun.

20 April 2024 - A view of the completed viaduct spans to the south of the Tengah Park station
in early-Q2.

20 April 2024

1 May 2024 - The launch gantry Rock Steady inches closer to the final pier on the west side
of Bukit Batok Road in mid-Q2.

1 May 2024 - An aerial view of the completed viaduct spans of the cripple siding to the south
of Tengah Park station.

1 May 2024 - Completed viaduct sections hemming the station building in, although neither
connect to each other as yet.

1 May 2024 - Launch gantry Rock Steady with the few remaining spans to be completed.

22 May 2024 - Another view southwards of the station and viaduct.

22 May 2024 - Parapet wall installation had begun along the stretch of cripple siding.

22 May 2024 - Launch gantry Rock Steady busy at work on another viaduct span.

2 June 2024 - Viaduct span construction progress south of Tengah Park station in end-Q2.

2 June 2024 - All that remains for launch gantry Rock Steady is the section between the portal
pier and the movement & expansion joint pier.

2 June 2024 - Another view of the remaining spans for construction as the line begins its crossing
of Bukit Batok Road.

2 June 2024 - A view of the completed sections of viaduct spans towards Tengah Park station.

24 June 2024 - Completed spans of the viaduct south of Tengah Park station with parapet wall
installation underway.

JE3 - Bukit Batok West
The third station along the contract is the slowest among the three to be constructed. Nonetheless, station columns for the western half had been cast as of Q2, with work on further columns towards the eastern end coming up as well. Work on the casting of concourse level beams had begun for some of the columns in end-Q2.

1 May 2024 - An aerial view of the station's construction in mid-Q2.

2 June 2024 - An aerial view of the station's construction in end-Q2.

The crossing of the line over Bukit Batok Road will see the construction of a special crossing with longer spans to negotiate the curve. Construction had seen the launch of the initial segmental boxes, followed by the starter segments, atop the piers in the road median. Further along, other viaduct piers were also cast on the station approach segment.

13 April 2024 - Initial viaduct segments installed on the piers in the median of Bukit Batok Road.

1 May 2024 - A view of the newly installed viaduct segments atop piers in the middle of Bukit
Batok Road.

1 May 2024 - Casting of subsequent piers up to the crown level in progress.

1 May 2024 - An overview of the piers on approach to Bukit Batok West station in mid-Q2.

23 May 2024 - The piers in the median of Bukit Batok Road with the initial segments atop.

2 June 2024 - Hoisting frames positioned on top of the piers in the median of Bukit Batok Road.

2 June 2024 - A close up view of the piers and the frames atop.

2 June 2024

2 June 2024 - Precast segmental boxes are being fixed atop some of the completed viaduct piers
to the west of the station building.

2 June 2024 - A precast viaduct segmental box being fixed atop a completed pier.

16 June 2024 - Starter segmental boxes have been hoisted into position in the median of
Bukit Batok Road.

16 June 2024

23 June 2024 - A view of the viaduct piers in the median of Bukit Batok Road with launch
gantry Rock Steady to the left, in end-Q2.

23 June 2024

The last segment of viaduct east of the station building saw the continued construction of viaduct piers. Piers along this stretch were in various stages of construction, ranging from crosshead construction to rebar installation ahead of casting.

1 May 2024 - A view westwards along the former Bukit Batok sensory park. Several viaduct piers
can be seen in various stages of construction.

1 May 2024 - Looking further west near to the location of the Bukit Batok West station.

1 May 2024 - Viaduct pier crossheads under construction.

2 June 2024 - A view westwards at the former Bukit Batok sensory park.

2 June 2024 - Rebar for the next pier west can now be seen.

2 June 2024 - An aerial view of the piers on approach at the eastern end of Bukit Batok West

Contractor McConnell Dowell - John Holland JV had subcontracted out the viaduct construction to VSL Singapore. Recently, the subcontractor had released a video detailing some of the innovations in the work undertaken for this contract.

Source: LinkedIn

With all the work going on, Q3 will definitely bring about more interesting progress that the team will be sure to update you on. Do stay tuned for our continued coverage.

This post will also be available on Instagram & Facebook on 28 August 2024.

1 comment:

  1. This update on contract J108 for Q2 highlights significant progress in the Tengah Plantation and Tengah Park stations, with construction visibly advancing. The acceleration of work at Bukit Batok West is particularly noteworthy, as the station structure becomes more apparent with the casting of additional columns. It's also good to see the viaduct construction advancing into Tengah despite some road diversions. The completion of spans with the launch gantries Rock Steady and Magnificent Mammoth is impressive and indicates the project is moving forward efficiently. Looking forward to more detailed updates and visuals in future posts!

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