
Sunday, July 21, 2024

JRL - A snapshot in July 2024

Overview of JRL stations JS1 - JS8 as of July 2024.
Top (L - R): JS1 - Choa Chu Kang, JS2 - Choa Chu Kang West, JS2A - Forest Hill
Middle (L - R): JS3 - Tengah, JS4 - Hong Kah, JS5 - Corporation
Bottom (L - R): JS6 - Jurong West, JS7 - Bahar Junction, JS8 - Boon Lay

Overview of JRL stations JW1 - JW2 & JE1 - JE7 as of July 2024.
Top (L - R): JW1 - Gek Poh, JW2 - Tawas, JE1 - Tengah Plantation
Middle (L - R): JE2 - Tengah Park, JE3 - Bukit Batok West, JE4 - Toh Guan
Bottom (L - R): JE5 - Jurong East, JE6 - Jurong Town Hall, JE7 - Pandan Reservoir

Overview of JRL stations JW3 - JW5 & JS9 - JS12 as of July 2024.
Top (L - R): JS9 – Enterprise, JS10 – Tukang, JS11 – Jurong HillJW3 - Nanyang Gateway
Middle (L - R): JS12 – Jurong Pier, JW3 – Nanyang Crescent, JW4 – Nanyang Gateway 
Bottom (L - R): JW5 – Peng Kang Hill, Contract J101 Tengah depot, Contract J120 Jurong East ITH

The various contracts along this phase are rushing to have the civil works completed in order to meet the targeted completion date. We understand that the targeted completion of works for Phase 1 would be around end-2026. In order to allow for sufficient time for fitting out and testing of systems, the basic structures would need to be completed approximately 2 to 2.5 years ahead. Given that this will be the first section of line to begin operations, further time may be required for testing of the new equipment to ensure that all issues are ironed out sufficiently.

Meanwhile, Phase 2 has a targeted completion date of mid-2027. Bringing up the remainder of the line, the targeted completion date for Phase 3 of the line is by September 2028. As such, the contractors for Phase 1 should begin feeling the pressure to meet the deadlines for handover of the completed structures to the trackworks contractors for the next phase of construction.

Phase 1
With the looming targeted completion of works date in mind, most stations within this phase have commenced work at platform level. Work is still ongoing under all contracts to have the stretches of viaducts completed as well. The most completed station at this juncture would be Corporation station under contract J103 while the most completed section of viaduct can be seen near Boon Lay under contract J106.

Tengah depot (Contract J101)
In a nutshell: Works continue to press on in order to achieve the basic structural completion needed to begin receiving the train cars. Sections of poured concrete that will serve as the bed upon which tracks will be laid can be seen. A new tower crane was installed recently to aid with the construction of the administration building which will house the line's operations control centre.

18 July 2024

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18 July 2024

JS1 - Choa Chu Kang (Contract J102)
In a nutshell: The viaduct piers for the crossover ahead of the station continue to make good progress with the three piers closest to the station focused on the foundation piles and pier caps. Further away, the crossheads for the piers have been cast before work progresses onto the viaduct deck construction. At the northern end, the tail tracks extend for approximately 4 piers past the station. Hoarding has recently been taken down around the site as it prepares for viaduct segment launching works.

19 July 2024

19 July 2024

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19 July 2024

JS2 - Choa Chu Kang West (Contract J102)
In a nutshell: Works on the station building are focused on the underplatform level, where troughs for service and utility cables and ducting will be routed. Most viaduct pier columns and crossheads are up with work still ongoing for the odd one or two here and there. Viaduct segment launching works are underway as well. Near the junction of Choa Chu Kang Way and Avenue 3, casting of the crossheads for the portal piers was underway, with several of the portal beams completed.

19 July 2024

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19 July 2024

JS2A - Forest Hill (Contract J102, provisional future station)
In a nutshell: Launch gantry Mulan has slowly made its way closer towards Brickland Road, continuing with viaduct construction. There are about 5 spans left to be completed across the two trackways till the viaduct joins up with the special span crossing over Brickland Road. Towards the infill station, parapet wall installation has begun.

19 July 2024

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19 July 2024

JS3 - Tengah (Contract J102)
In a nutshell: Launch gantry Gaia has slowly worked its way across Tengah station's upper platform level to commence viaduct construction on the section north of the station building. Here, the upper track level will terminate while the lower track level continues on towards the infill station structure. The launch gantry may be decommissioned here after completing this section. Closer to "Tengah junction", where the two routes diverge parapet wall works were underway along with cable bracket installation. A temporary staging area has been set up next to the tracks on the southern approach to Tengah station for trackworks commencement.

18 July 2024

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18 July 2024

JS4 - Hong Kah (Contract J103)
In a nutshell: While work at the station building focuses on casting of the platform and underplatform levels, to the south work has progressed significantly on the viaduct piers. Several of the piers can now be seen with the crossheads cast, allowing the eastern set of reception tracks to link up with the mainline viaduct.

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18 July 2024

JS5 - Corporation (Contract J103)
In a nutshell: Roofing architectural features of the station have been installed over portions of the roof frame. The lift shaft frames have also been installed internally and staircases cast. However, no escalators have been installed at the station yet. Linkbridges connecting to the station's 3 exits have also been installed.

18 July 2024

14 July 2024

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18 July 2024

JS6 - Jurong West (Contract J105)
In a nutshell: Work on the station platform level continues, especially at the buffer areas on both the eastern and western ends of the station. It is likely that the roof frame will be installed some time soon. Viaduct construction work continues for a few pockets where spans are still missing, while parapet wall installation has commenced on the portion that has been completed.

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14 July 2024

JS7 - Bahar Junction (Contract J105)
In a nutshell: Work on the satellite station building's concourse level by launching of precast segment boxes has almost completed with approximately 1 to 2 boxes left per span. Following this, it is likely that casting of a slab on top of the segment boxes will be done before work progresses to the platform level. At the main station building, work was progressing at the platform level for the trackbed walls. To the east of the station, the portal beam for the portal pier had completed casting work and the process for removal of the supporting truss frame had begun. Road closures will be undertaken to facilitate these works.

Viaduct construction continued with several new piers beginning the viaduct segment launching process. These started with the deployment of hanger beams where the starter segments are installed and then will move on to use the lifting frames. These are likely to be transferred from the satellite station building when launching of the concourse level segments is completed. Near the northern end of the contract, works are underway to prepare for the launching of segments up to the portal pier handed over by neighbouring contract J107. Road closures will be put into place for the assembly of the trestle structures supporting the span construction.

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14 July 2024

JS8 - Boon Lay (Contract J106)
In a nutshell: Station construction works have advanced to the platform level on either side of the existing East-West Line (EWL) viaducts. Works are also taking place in closer proximity to the live railway viaducts during engineering hours. In due time, the station building works will envelope the EWL's viaducts, closing in to meet overhead.

Within the EWL station itself, work has begun on the construction of a replacement staircase linking the existing concourse and platform levels. This will serve to allow an additional escalator to be installed within the EWL station, where the current staircase is located. Viaduct construction works continue along the contract's corridor to complete the sections where movement & expansion joints are located.

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14 July 2024

JW1 - Gek Poh (Contract J107)
In a nutshell: All the station's piers have been cast at the concourse level of the building, with works progressing to the platform and track level. The roadway beneath the station has been converted into a bus-only road temporarily to facilitate station construction works in the tight corridor. While the viaduct north of the station has been mostly completed, work has begun on segment launching for the viaduct on the southern side of the station.

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14 July 2024

JW2 - Tawas (Contract J107)
In a nutshell: About 9 segments have been installed on either side of the special crossing span pier on the southern side of the Pan Island Expressway (PIE). The span will likely reach the mid-point within a couple of weeks and launching works will need to shift to the northern pier. At the station itself, casting works for the beams supporting the track and platform continued to move further north along the station structure.

19 July 2024

14 July 2024

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14 July 2024

Phase 2
With a bit more time till the targeted completion of works date, the contractors for Phase 2 seem to be working steadily to complete the various structures along the section. Works around Tengah and Jurong East in particular show significant progress. As the line snakes further out, away from Tengah, the progress becomes a little slower.

JE1 - Tengah Plantation (Contract J108)
In a nutshell: Work is focused on the station's platform level with casting works being carried out on the underplatform section. Where casting work has been completed, precast slabs were installed before the platform slab is cast over the top. Work will then begin on the platform-level plant room structures at either end of the station. Several viaduct spans still remain to be completed, even as launch gantry Magnificent Mammoth inches closer to the station building - approximately 3 spans away now.

18 July 2024

18 July 2024

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18 July 2024

JE2 - Tengah Park (Contract J108)
In a nutshell: Casting work has moved to the underplatform level of the station, with the central section being where the bulk of the works are taking place. At the northeastern and southwestern corners, trestle structures have been set up for the launching of the final viaduct spans that will connect the station's trackbeds with the viaduct structures.

Further along, parapet wall installation works are underway both to the north and south of the station. Launch gantry Rock Steady has also made headway and is working on the final span of the cripple siding. We are unsure if the gantry will be used to construct the road crossing over Bukit Batok Road at this point, although industry sources have mentioned that this method may not be used.

18 July 2024

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18 July 2024

JE3 - Bukit Batok West (Contract J108)
In a nutshell: The station structure on the western end has come up quickly, with casting works beginning for the concourse level. A total of 7 to 8 columns can be seen, while the remaining 2 to 3 columns at the eastern end of the station are still working on the foundations & footings. To the west of the station, viaduct pier columns have come up with some of the prefabricated segment boxes undergoing bonding to the pier columns instead of having the crossheads being cast in-situ. Viaduct piers to the east of the station have also quickly sprung up, with casting underway for the crosshead sections of some.

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18 July 2024

JE4 - Toh Guan (Contract J109)
In a nutshell: Toh Guan station has seen the regular closure of Jurong East Central, the thoroughfare along which the station is sited, for the casting of the concourse level crossheads. Approximately 40% of the concourse level crosshead work has been completed thus far. Viaduct pier construction still continues on either side of the station as well while viaduct span construction has seen the completion of approximately 2 spans near the contract boundary with contract J108 at Bukit Batok South.

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18 July 2024

Tracks through Jurong East Integrated Transport Hub (Contract J120)
In a nutshell: In-situ casting of the viaduct spans has progressed to include approximately 4 to 5 piers. Construction of the viaduct piers that will serve dual purpose of supporting the JRL viaduct as well as structural support for the J-Hub development is underway, with most of the pier columns visible now.

14 July 2024

14 July 2024

14 July 2024

JE5 - Jurong East (Contract J110)
In a nutshell: The concourse slab for the expanded station has been cast with rebar installation ongoing for the columns at concourse level. At the western end & centre, casting for the concourse level columns has also commenced. Works should quickly be moving on to the lower platform level.

Over at the transfer hub & plaza, work has begun on rebar installation of the columns at ground level. These will serve to support an extension of the concourse level, allowing new J-walk connections to Westgate and the J-Hub development.

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7 July 2024

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18 July 2024

JE6 - Jurong Town Hall (Contract J109)
In a nutshell: Slowly but surely, the station building is progressing. Casting work is focused on the concourse slab mostly. Several viaduct piers to the north of the station building were having crossheads cast, likely in preparation for the installation of the launch gantry that has been waiting on site for several months now. Completion of the viaduct piers on the southern side still lags behind in comparison, with the pier columns only cast to the halfway mark.

18 July 2024

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18 July 2024

JE7 - Pandan Reservoir (Contract J107)
In a nutshell: Approximately 60% of the station's columns at street level have been cast, with the remaining 40% still being worked upon. Casting works for the concourse level are beginning for the central section of the station where several columns have already been completed. Viaduct piers are still being constructed where the line runs parallel to the reservoir for the cripple siding that will be used to turn trains around.

18 July 2024

18 July 2024

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18 July 2024

Phase 3 (South)
With the most available time till the line becomes operational, this section towards the Jurong Pier terminus has finally seen all contracts begin the casting process for the viaduct and/or station piers. The most advanced portions are located at either end of the section currently.

JS9 - Enterprise (Contract J111)
In a nutshell: Approximately 3 columns of station piers in 2 rows have been cast, with more following along with rebar installation. The first few viaduct piers along Jalan Boon Lay are also ready for segment launching while segment launching is proceeding within the Jurong Central Park area and anticipated to run up to August 2024.

14 July 2024

14 July 2024

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14 July 2024

JS10 - Tukang (Contract J111)
In a nutshell: The majority of the station piers are still working on the pile caps although the first viaduct pier can now be seen at the southern end of the site. Apart from the sheet pile pits, there is not much else to see at this point of time.

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14 July 2024

JS11 - Jurong Hill (Contract J112)
In a nutshell: The first station pier can now be seen at the southern end of the station. Similar to Tukang, most of the other piers are currently at the pile cap construction stage. Likewise, there is not much else to see at the site. Piling work has been done for one of the 3 station exits. Work also continues for diaphragm wall works at the northern end of the contract ahead of construction of the vehicular underpass connecting Jurong Pier Road with Jalan Boon Lay.

14 July 2024

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14 July 2024

JS12 - Jurong Pier (Contract J112)
In a nutshell: The southern terminus of the line has seen the casting of the central row of columns take place, with three such columns under construction. Rebar work further south indicates that the station works are progressing well with more casting of the structure to be expected. No viaduct piers can be seen in the vicinity yet. Across Jurong Pier Road & flyover will be one of the station exits to be connected with an unpaid subway link. In the future, this exit will likely connect to the Cross Island Line station as well. Work to construct the underpass does not appear to have commenced at this point of time yet.

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14 July 2024

Phase 3 (North)
The final section of line pushes northwards through Nanyang Technological University and has seen tremendous progress made. This may be a potential result of having a single contractor operate within the campus, allowing closer coordination between works and potentially the sharing of equipment to help quicken works progress.

JW3 - Nanyang Gateway (Contract J113)
In a nutshell: The majority of the station building's columns have now been cast and can be seen quite clearly. Viaduct segment launching has been progressing in full swing at various locations. According to contractor Hwa Seng Builders, launching works were to have commenced outside Hall 8 along Nanyang Avenue this week, seeing road closures after the last 199 bus service has vacated the campus.

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JW4 - Nanyang Crescent (Contract J113)
In a nutshell: The station located at what is likely the heart of the campus has also seen progress with the casting of several sections of the station's permanent structure. These beams and columns will eventually support the trackbed, platforms and concourse levels.

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14 July 2024

JW5 - Peng Kang Hill (Contract J115A)
In a nutshell: Viaduct piers, bored piles for the crossover at-grade structure and segment launching equipment can be seen on site at the line's western terminus. Formwork is also present on site as the first of several viaduct columns gets built to its full height and subsequently cast. Work on columns for the tail track viaduct piers can also be seen near the former Hall 7 buildings.

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Across the 3 different phases, work can be seen at different stages. With the deadlines for phase 1 looming ahead, the contractors will have to work at a feverish pace to ensure timely completion of their respective sections.

A similar but consolidated (a.k.a. simplified) post will be available on Instagram & Facebook on 27 July 2024.

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