
Thursday, July 25, 2024

J102 (Part 1) - Choa Chu Kang & Choa Chu Kang West update Q2 2024


24 June 2024 - A view of Choa Chu Kang & Choa Chu Kang West stations under contract J102
as of end-Q2.

A lot has taken place in Q2 for contract J102. With 4 stations being built under the contract, we had to split this update into 2 parts to make it more bite-sized and not an overload of information or more of a huge photo dump than it already is. Progress has been swift and moving full steam ahead as the changes to the sites can be seen with every visit. Nonetheless, it will still take some time before the Jurong Region Line (JRL) sections under this contract can achieve basic structural completion.

JS1 - Choa Chu Kang
Over at Choa Chu Kang station, several of the viaduct piers that will support the terminus' crossover have taken shape. The station itself has also seen the casting of the platform level commence. Works had progressed sufficiently that a row of hoarding was set up as a temporary protective enclosure for trains running on the southbound track of the North-South Line (NSL).

20 April 2024 - An aerial view of Choa Chu Kang station in early-Q2.

22 May 2024 - An aerial view of Choa Chu Kang station in mid-Q2.

24 June 2024 An aerial view of Choa Chu Kang station in end-Q2.

2 June 2024 - A view of the Choa Chu Kang station with JRL expansion on the left.

20 April 2024 - A view of the existing North-South Line (NSL) station platform in early-Q2.
Construction netting is in place next to the southbound trackway.

22 May 2024 - A view of the NSL platform with hoarding since gone up along the southbound
trackway in mid-Q2.

22 May 2024 - Another view of the hoarding put in place along the live, operational track.

At the northern end of the station, a former atrium that was previously hoarded off since Q3 2023 saw the hoarding finally come down. Hacking work took place to enlarge the atrium while other parts of it were slabbed over to allow a staircase to connect to the transfer mezzanine level below. The new staircase will replace the existing up-riding escalator that will be demolished to reconfigure the station's vertical access. You can read about the major modifications being done to the station here.

22 May 2024 - A view of the hoarded up atrium in mid-Q2.

22 May 2024 - JRL station works at the northern end of the station in mid-Q2.

24 June 2024 - A view of the hoarding around the atrium that was since taken down by end-Q2.

24 June 2024 - A view of the new staircase linking the NSL platform to the transfer mezzanine
level below. Part of the atrium was slabbed over, while a portion of the existing platform beneath
the directional signs was hacked away to allow the staircase to be constructed.

24 June 2024 - Former directional signage that pointed the direction of travel for either platform
at the NSL station. The slab here was hacked away to fit in the new staircase.

At the concourse level, major changes have progressed with the reconfiguration of the passenger circulation areas. Retiling has progressed, thankfully getting rid of the gaudy lime tiles formerly used at the station and replacing them with a standard shade of grey. Cladding work has also progressed with the new passenger service centre clearly visible, with mock signage placed up as well. New ceiling panels were also installed and unwrapped by the end of the quarter.

20 April 2024 - A view of works to renew and reconfigure the existing station concourse
fare unpaid area. A relocated fare line will transform this area into a fare paid zone.

20 April 2024 - Works include replacement of the existing tiles as well as alterations to the
ceiling panels. New signage will replace the existing signage boxes eventually.

20 April 2024 - A view of the new passenger service centre (PSC) for the NSL near Exit A as
seen in early-Q2.

20 April 2024

22 May 2024 - A view of the completed section of new tiling against the former station tiling
as of mid-Q2.

22 May 2024 - The taped boxes represent the location of the future relocated fare gates.

22 May 2024 - A view of the new NSL PSC as of mid-Q2.

22 May 2024 - New ceiling panels were installed to refresh the look of the station.

2 June 2024 - New tactile floor guides installed ahead of the relocation of the existing fare line
as of end-Q2.

2 June 2024 - Cladding beginning to go in for the new NSL PSC.

2 June 2024 - Ongoing works to replace the tiles within the area at Exit A.

2 June 2024 - One last look at the existing tiling near the ticket machines before the area is

2 June 2024

24 June 2024 - A look at the nearly completed new NSL PSC. Mock signage is included to give
the contractor & client an idea of how the final product will look.

24 June 2024 - Cladding and glass installation at the new NSL PSC had been completed by end-Q2.

24 June 2024 - A view into the new fare paid zone with escalators connecting the concourse level
with the transfer mezzanine visible. The area beyond the hoarding is where the current
up-riding escalator is located. In the next phase of works, this escalator will be demolished as part
of station reconfiguration works.

24 June 2024 - A view of the location of the new fare line post relocation.

20 April 2024 - A view towards Exit B of the station fare unpaid concourse area in early-Q2.

2 June 2024 - Progress of works to retile the area as of end-Q2.

2 June 2024 - Works on the right are for the reconfiguration of the existing station area.

2 June 2024 - Hoarding put up to begin the transformation process.

2 June 2024 - A new fare line will be located here along the corridor towards Exit B.

2 June 2024 - The section underneath the LRT platform 3 will remain as is.

24 June 2024 - Progress of re-tiling works as at end-Q2.

24 June 2024 - Some of the existing signage is hidden away by the new ceiling panels. Work to
adjust these will be conducted eventually.

24 June 2024 - The area where the relocated fare line will be now appears more complete.

24 June 2024

24 June 2024 - A view of where the new and existing tactile floor guides will link up.

Shops around Exit A and C at the permanent station appeared to be more complete by the end of the quarter. In preparation for the relocation of retail units to these permanent shops, several businesses have closed shop at the temporary units built to replace the former shops that needed to make way for the station's expansion.

20 April 2024 - The exterior of Exit A, which opens into the Lot 1 plaza, as seen in early-Q2.

20 April 2024 - The exterior of Exit A while re-tiling works were underway.

20 April 2024 - Works ongoing for fitting in the walls of the new NSL PSC.

20 April 2024 - A view of the corridor towards the temporary retail shop units in early-Q2.

22 May 2024 - A view of the exterior of Exit A as of mid-Q2.

22 May 2024 - Cladding works underway at the new retail shops at Exit A.

22 May 2024 - A view of the corridor towards the temporary retail shop units in mid-Q2. New
tiles were since installed while work on the retail units had progressed.

22 May 2024 - A view of one of the new retail units.

2 June 2024 An exterior view of Exit A in end-Q2.

2 June 2024 - A view of the corridor towards the temporary retail shop units in end-Q2.

24 June 2024 - An exterior view of Exit A as of end-Q2.

24 June 2024 - Completed cladding works and a new sign installed are visible.

24 June 2024 - Looking towards the new retail units along the corridor.

24 June 2024 - A view of businesses shuttered as the temporary retail units will soon be
torn down.

24 June 2024 - The corridor within the temporary facility had grown more empty as businesses
began relocating one by one.

24 June 2024

24 June 2024 - Another view of the new retail units at Exit A.

Viaduct construction work saw the completion of several piers on both the northern and southern ends of the station building. Most notable progress was seen at the pair of piers that will support the line's crossover tracks, just to the south of the station. These piers were cast with the supporting crossheads also making their appearances. Further south, viaduct segment launching continued with a section of approximately 2.5 spans being completed.

20 April 2024 - Viaduct piers to the north of the station building in early-Q2.

22 May 2024 - A view of the viaduct piers immediately north of the station in mid-Q2.

22 May 2024 - Viaduct piers on either side of Choa Chu Kang Loop.

22 May 2024 - The final pier of the JRL north of Choa Chu Kang station.

20 April 2024 - The crosshead for 1 of 5 piers that will eventually support the line's crossover
tracks being cast in early-Q2.

20 April 2024 - Formwork installation ahead of casting works for the pier's crosshead.

20 April 2024 - Rebar and stress tendon works ongoing for the viaduct pier crosshead before
concrete is poured in as part of the casting process.

20 April 2024 - The second pier having its portal beam installed.

22 May 2024 - A view of the pair of viaduct piers, one with a completed crosshead and another
with a completed portal beam in mid-Q2.

22 May 2024 - A close up view of the two viaduct piers in mid-Q2.

22 May 2024

22 May 2024 - An aerial view of the construction progress of the viaduct piers.

24 June 2024 - An aerial view showing the viaduct piers under construction in end-Q2. The
second pier was having its crosshead cast.

24 June 2024 - Rebar and formwork installation ongoing for the crosshead casting.

20 April 2024 - A view of the completed section of viaduct span. Work was ongoing for the portal
pier for the next span as of early-Q2.

20 April 2024 - Another view of the completed viaduct spans.

20 April 2024 - The 2 completed viaduct spans seen from street level as of early-Q2.

20 April 2024

20 April 2024 - This movement & expansion joint pier adopts a design similar to the existing
NSL viaduct.

22 May 2024 - Progress of works for the portal pier near the carpark entrance as of mid-Q2.

22 May 2024

22 May 2024

22 May 2024 - Scaffolding was set up at the end of the completed span for viaduct segment
launching towards the movement & expansion joint pier.

22 May 2024

22 May 2024

2 June 2024 - A view of the completed viaduct spans as of end-Q2.

2 June 2024 - The viaduct span now connects to the movement & expansion joint pier.

2 June 2024 - Epoxy yet to be applied to bond the segments with the existing span.

24 June 2024 - The first pier column for the portal pier is now visible.

24 June 2024

JS2 - Choa Chu Kang West
Works along Choa Chu Kang Avenue 3 have been progressing through a flurry of activities around the Choa Chu Kang West station site. Viaduct segment launching works had begun along the roadway at various points while casting works for the portal pier's viaduct deck segments was also done.

20 April 2024 - A view of Choa Chu Kang West station in early-Q2. Work was focused on the
concourse level columns and connecting beams.

22 May 2024 - A view of Choa Chu Kang West station in mid-Q2. Work had begun on the
casting of the underplatform level.

24 June 2024 - A view of Choa Chu Kang West station in end-Q2. Work was now focused entirely
on casting the underplatform level.

Near the junction with Choa Chu Kang Way, a series of 4 portal piers allows the line to navigate the nearly perpendicular turn onto Choa Chu Kang Avenue 3. Casting works for several more portal pier beams began this quarter.

20 April 2024 - A view of the first two portal piers with one beginning works on the casting
process for the portal beam and connecting viaduct deck in early-Q2.

20 April 2024 - A view of the remaining two portal piers at various stages of construction in

20 April 2024 - Equipment mounted atop one of the viaduct piers to commence segment
launching works in early-Q2.

20 April 2024 - A view along the street towards Choa Chu Kang West station.

22 May 2024 - A view of the Choa Chu Kang Way junction with two portal piers having
completed casting works for the portal pier beams. Work was ongoing for one of the beams
which would support a longer span over the junction.

22 May 2024 - A close up view of works commencing for the portal pier beam casting in mid-Q2.

22 May 2024 - A view along the street towards the station building.

2 June 2024 - Progress of the viaduct deck casting as it connects to the portal pier in end-Q2.

2 June 2024 - A view of the remaining portal piers and their progress as of end-Q2.

2 June 2024 - A view of the viaduct piers along Choa Chu Kang Avenue 3 towards the station
building in end-Q2.

24 June 2024 - A view of the first two portal piers at the junction with Choa Chu Kang Way. Casting
of the viaduct deck had been completed with formwork removed for one of the piers.

24 June 2024 - A view of the two piers on either side of the junction.

24 June 2024 - Portal pier beam casting underway for the third portal pier.

24 June 2024 - A view of sections with completed viaduct segment installation.

24 June 2024 - A view along the street towards the JS2A station section in the distance.

24 June 2024 - Pier crosshead casting underway.

24 June 2024 - One of the piers near the station with a recently cast crosshead that allows the
trackways to diverge ahead of the island platform station.

Work at the station building itself has seen progress move from the concourse level up to the underplatform level over the past quarter. By the end of Q2, some components of the trackbed could be made out such as the parapet wall on the outer edge of the station and the buffer wall on the inner side. Work continued to progress with rebar and formwork installation to facilitate casting works of the various station sections.

Viaduct segment launching works also commenced on viaduct piers to the west of the station building, with one pier taking on its first few segments. Other piers were proceeding with crosshead casting works as well. At the end of the quarter, although works had progressed, there is still a fair amount of work to be done till the basic structural completion can be achieved.

20 April 2024 - A pier next to the station building being prepared for crosshead casting.

20 April 2024 - A view of preparation works at street level.

20 April 2024 - The station building as seen from street level in early-Q2.

20 April 2024 - An aerial view of the eastern end of the station building. Workers were installing
rebar for one of the horizontal beams that would support the platform and underplatform level.

20 April 2024 - A close up view of workers going about their jobs on site.

20 April 2024 - Formwork in place for casting of the staircase.

20 April 2024 - A view of the remainder of the station building towards the west.

20 April 2024 - A view of the station's side from street level.

20 April 2024 - A view of the station concourse level looking eastwards.

20 April 2024 - Escalator and lift pits can be seen at concourse level.

20 April 2024 - Another pier column sits extremely close to the station's western end.

22 May 2024 - A view of the station's eastern end as seen from street level.

22 May 2024 - Casting of the pier crosshead underway with the station building in the

22 May 2024 - Progress of the casting work at the station. Work could now move onto the
underplatform level where cable troughs and utility ducts will be pulled through.

22 May 2024 - Work on the underplatform level was largely focused on the eastern end of the
station as the western end had yet to cast the horizontal supporting beams.

22 May 2024 - Workers installing rebar ahead of casting works.

22 May 2024

22 May 2024 - A view of the station's side from street level.

22 May 2024 - Underneath the concourse level, plant rooms were also being constructed.

22 May 2024 - A view of the station's concourse level. The station will see three escalators installed.

22 May 2024 - Formwork in place for the casting of the staircase to connect with the platform level.

24 June 2024 - A view of the station's facade on the eastern end.

24 June 2024

24 June 2024 - Casting of the horizontal beam that would support the trackbed was underway.

24 June 2024 - A view of the station's western end from street level.

24 June 2024 - Viaduct piers at various stages of construction at the station's western end.
Segment launching works had begun for one of the piers.

24 June 2024 - A close up view of the station's western end. Rebar can be seen forming the
shape of the trackbed.

24 June 2024

24 June 2024 - Viaduct segment launching works underway for one of the piers in this section.

With works progressing full steam ahead over quarter 2 of the year, we look forward to continued progress within the contract over the next quarter. The second part of the contract's update will be coming soon, so do stay tuned for our quarterly update on JRL construction works.

This post will also be available on Instagram & Facebook on 26 July 2024.

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