
Monday, February 1, 2021

J106 - Revised work time lines


12 January 2021 - Aerial view of the contract J106 site for Boon Lay station.

A recent visit to the contract J106 worksite earlier in January showed a new circular being issued by contractor China Communications Construction Company. In the circular, several dates for key work items have been pushed back.

12 January 2021 - Circular to residents

For instance, construction of the relocated bus stops along Jurong West Street 64 have been pushed back from mid-December 2020 to mid-February 2021 instead. The first bus stop will be in use from 1 March 2021 whilst the second will be operational come 31 March 2021.

12 January 2021 - Location of the combined storage yard & site offices at Boon Lay

Adjacent to the contract J106 worksite is a combined storage yard and site office precinct. Most of the offices have been completed and the site will also house a project information centre (PIC) in time to come.

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