
Monday, November 9, 2020

J106 - Upcoming work at Boon Lay


08 November 2020 - An aerial view of the Boon Lay East West Line station with the LTA Project office in the background

The site around Boon Lay station has undergone some changes since the update of the site of the future Jurong Region Line (JRL) interchange station. Since our last visit to Contract J106's site, more site offices have sprung up in the vicinity of the Land Transport Authority (LTA) Project Office and the main contractor has also issued a new circular detailing upcoming works.

08 November 2020 - A circular from main contractor about upcoming
works at the contract site

A new circular to residents in the nearby blocks dated 26 October from main contractor China Communications Construction Company details several upcoming works in the vicinity. These include clearing works at the site, realignment of the Park Connector Network pedestrian and cycle-ways, road diversions, relocation of a pair of bus stops and test piling activities. The works stretch from 2 November up to 31 December 2021, with most to be completed by end 2020 or early 2021.

08 November 2020 - Annex I which provides an overview of all the upcoming works

Annex I as supplied by the main contractor shows an overview of the contract site and expected works. The Phase 1 worsk will stretch from near the junction of Jurong West Street 64 and Boon Lay Way till the junction with Jurong West Central 1. Soil investigation works can be expected to intensify during the works period and tree cutting will commence. The road network will also alter slightly, with bus stop A being pushed closer to the LTA Project Office.

08 November 2020 - Works to relocate Bus Stop A closer to the LTA Project Office

Some works have already begun in the vicinity - the area between the LTA Project office and Bus Stop A is being prepared for the bus stop's eventual relocation.

Annex II provides greater detail for both Bus Stop A and B's eventual shift. It also provides that Bus Stop A will be temporarily shifted until end 2021 while Bus Stop B will feature a much longer relocation till end 2024. This is likely when the station will achieve basic structure completion and the Bus Stop can be shifted closer to its original location once again.

08 November - An aerial view of the LTA Project office and contract site offices on the former Boon Lay Temporary bus interchange site.

Meanwhile, much activity has been going on at the site of the former Temporary Boon Lay Bus Interchange. In addition to the completed LTA Project Office, several site offices for the different contracts are being set up. The site offices of contract J105, J106 and J107 will all be co-located here.

Left - 02 July 2020
Right - 08 November 2020

Left - 02 July 2020
Right - 08 November 2020

These changes are merely the start of many that will alter the look of the area as construction of phase 1 of the JRL commences. With physical construction work starting, one can expect diversions, some noise and dust to be generated at the work site. These are the short-term sacrifices that the residents in the area must make in order to reap the added benefits of having a new line in the neighbourhood in years to come.

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