
Friday, May 10, 2019

Pre-construction - Nanyang Crescent

Nanyang Crescent station is located at what can be considered to be the heart of Nanyang Technological University (NTU). The second of 3 stations within NTU has the North Spine located to its south and the National Institute of Education to its north. Both the public bus services that ply NTU stop at this location along Nanyang Drive, making this the defacto transport hub for the university.

04 March 2019 - A view westwards along Nanyang Drive.

Perched atop one of the many hills in the area, the station will sit on the road median. Currently, the road is a single lane dual carriageway. Likely due to the narrow road below, the station will feature side platforms. These have an additional benefit of being able to link directly to the surrounding buildings, allowing entrance from or exit to the various lecture halls or tutorial rooms without passengers needing to go down a floor to pass through fare gates. Should the Land Transport Authority decide to incorporate this form of integration, passenger flow within the station should be smooth and students able to experience additional benefits of direct access from the platform to the surrounding buildings.

04 March 2019 - A view eastwards along Nanyang Drive.

04 March 2019 - A view eastwards along Nanyang Drive at street level.

04 March 2019 - A view northwards from the north spine building.

1 comment:

  1. If you check the Masterplan, the station will actually sit right next to the road and not in the road median.

    The platforms should be on the raised land on the NIE side of the road.
