
Sunday, August 4, 2024

J105 - Jurong West & Bahar Junction update Q2 2024

A view of the Jurong West (top) and Bahar Junction (bottom) stations under contract J105 as
of end-Q2.

Along phase 1, contract J105 is without a doubt one of the most interesting contracts to observe, given that it encompasses the construction of the unique Bahar Junction station. Also included under the contract is the more tame and templated Jurong West station. Over the past quarter, gains have been made in both stations' construction. The viaducts along the stretch were also coming together as well, with sections of completed spans progressing to the next stage of construction.

JS6 - Jurong West
Works have been concentrated at the platform level over the past quarter, seeing the supporting beams being cast before the trackbed and platform slab followed suit. With the base structure of the station in place, the next steps would be to connect the station building to the viaduct spans on either side and proceed with the installation of the roof frame.

13 April 2024 - An aerial view of Jurong West station as of early-Q2.

23 May 2024 - An aerial view of Jurong West station as of mid-Q2.

23 June 2024  - An aerial view of Jurong West station as of end-Q2.

13 April 2024 - An aerial view of Jurong West station as seen from a distance in early-Q2.

13 April 2024 - A view of the progress of works at the station building. Parts of the horizontal
supporting beams are completed, with work beginning on the lateral beams running parallel to the
platform and trackbed. Work has commenced on these at the western end of the station.

13 April 2024 - A view of progress of the station's central area where the lift shafts will be located.

13 April 2024 - The eastern station end beam. Rebar is being installed for the movement &
expansion joint support that will connect the station building with the viaduct span.

13 April 2024 - An aerial view of the station and viaduct piers under the contract near the
boundary with neighbouring contract J103.

13 April 2024 - A view of the station's casting work progress from the eastern end.

23 May 2024 - An aerial view of Jurong West station as seen from a distance in mid-Q2.

23 May 2024 - Casting underway for the trackbed's outer parapet wall and the base of the platform
along the Choa Chu Kang-bound track.

23 May 2024 - Rebar in place for the parapet wall along the Jurong Pier-bound track.

23 May 2024 - A view of the progress at the station's central area where the lift shafts will be
located. The trackbed on the western section can be seen, partially cast.

23 May 2024 - The eastern station end beam. Casting is about the commence for the end beam
which will bear the movement & expansion joints connecting the station building & viaduct span.

23 June 2024  - An aerial view of Jurong West station as seen from a distance in end-Q2.

23 June 2024 - A view of the progress at platform level with the parapet walls for both bounds
already completed for the portions of the station that have had the trackbed cast. Rebar work was
in progress for the platform slab.

23 June 2024 - A view of the rebar for the lateral beam that will continue to run parallel to the
trackbed for the last few sections until the end of the station building. Also visible is the formwork
for the casting of the station platform. As such, the underplatform level where utility cables &
ducting will run is visible.

23 June 2024 - A view of similar features visible on the Jurong Pier-bound trackbed.

23 June 2024 - A view of the remainder of the platform level towards the eastern end.

16 June 2024  - The eastern station end beam, now completely cast.

23 June 2024 - A view of the completed end beam of the station at the eastern end.

Viaduct construction along Jurong West Avenue 2 has progressed quickly for the main spans using the balanced cantilevered method over previous quarters. These completed spans have since moved onto the next stage of construction with the casting of the deck between the segment boxes taking place to allow a continuous slab to bridge the space between the two spans. A crossover will eventually be installed here, necessitating the slab. Elsewhere, precast parapet wall segments were delivered on site along with the erector machine, which was lifted onto the completed viaduct span in Q2.

Where movement & expansion joints exist, trestles were being installed to allow for the segment launching in-situ and subsequent stressing of the tendons. The work is made more difficult as the two trackways diverge from one another upon approach to the stations, requiring some additional engineering for the trestle structures to span across the road while allowing segment launching to take place safely. At the junction with Jalan Bahar, Jalan Boon Lay & Jurong West Avenue 4, the portal pier was successfully cast and viaduct segment launching began - initially with hanger beams before transiting to the lifting frames after the starter segment was installed.

13 April 2024 - A view of the completed viaduct spans and the portal pier being cast at the junction
with Jalan Bahar, Jalan Boon Lay & Jurong West Avenues 2 and 4.

13 April 2024 - A view of the portal pier being cast with the supporting framework in place.

13 April 2024 - A view of the completed viaduct spans along Jurong West Avenue 2 and the trestle
near the movement & expansion joint. Viaduct segments are being launched atop the trestle (in
yellow, near the pier).

13 April 2024 - Viaduct segment launching in progress atop the trestle structure.

13 April 2024 - Completed segment launching atop another trestle, near the Jurong West station.
The yellow beams on top of the viaduct segments are levelling beams, used to maintain the
segment's position as epoxy is applied to bond the completed span sections together.

13 April 2024 - A view of the completed viaduct spans, with falsework installed for casting of
the inter-span slab to support the future crossover running between the two parallel viaduct spans.

23 May 2024 - Segment launching atop the trestle completed. The next step would be to align the
segments to ensure that they are level before tendon stressing is conducted for the span. This pulls
the segments together tightly, allowing epoxy to be applied to bond the span together.

23 May 2024 - A view of the trestle with all viaduct segments for the span launched.

23 May 2024 - Over at the other trestle support near the Jurong West station building, the supports
atop the trestle had been removed, leaving the span suspended on the viaduct piers entirely.

23 May 2024 - A view of the completed viaduct spans along Jurong West Avenue 2.

23 May 2024 - A lifting mechanism for installation of precast parapet wall segments on site.

23 May 2024 - Delivery of precast parapet wall segments had begun.

23 June 2024 - A view of the portal piers at the junction of Jalan Bahar, Jalan Boon Lay, Jurong
West Avenue 2 & Jurong West Avenue 4.

23 June 2024 - The first segments launched at the completed portal pier with hanger beams.

23 June 2024 - Equipment installed at the viaduct segments atop the trestle to pull them together.
Also in view is the falsework for the application of epoxy to bond the newly installed section with
the existing span.

23 June 2024 - The trestle near the Jurong West station building was finally disassembled to be
reused on the opposite side of the viaduct pier.

23 June 2024 - Falsework for the viaduct deck in place along with the parapet wall erector.

23 June 2024 - A close up view of the parapet wall erector machine atop the viaduct span.

23 June 2024 - A view of the completed viaduct spans looking towards the portal piers near
the road junction.

23 June 2024 - A view of the precast parapet wall segments ahead of installation on the viaduct.

JS7 - Bahar Junction
The station everyone has been curious about, with a unique construction method, has made progress over the past quarter. Segment launching works for the satellite station (Peng Kang Hill-bound) commenced this past quarter at the northern half. By the end of the quarter, these works had been completed and progressed on to the southern half. Viaduct pier construction work was also taking place for the Jurong Pier-bound track as it curved from running along Jurong West Avenue 4 to running along Jurong West Street 64. All in all, a fair bit of work was taking place at the busy junction of Jurong West Avenue 4 with Streets 64 and 75.

13 April 2024 - An aerial view of the junction of Jurong West Avenue 4, Jurong West Street 64 &
Jurong West Street 75, where Bahar Junction station is sited, in early-Q2.

23 May 2024 - An aerial view of the junction of Jurong West Avenue 4, Jurong West Street 64 &
Jurong West Street 75, where Bahar Junction station is sited, in mid-Q2.

23 June 2024 - An aerial view of the junction of Jurong West Avenue 4, Jurong West Street 64 &
Jurong West Street 75, where Bahar Junction station is sited, in end-Q2.

The main station building, serving the Choa Chu Kang and Jurong Pier-bound tracks, follows a standard, templated design. The only exception here would be the double-level link bridge that connects this section of the station with the satellite station building serving the Peng Kang Hill-bound track. Work for the main station building progressed from the concourse level to the underplatform level over the course of the past quarter.

13 April 2024 - A view of works underway for the main station building as of early-Q2.

13 April 2024 - Rebar installation for the station's concourse level columns ahead of casting works.

13 April 2024 - A view of the progress made at the main station building as of early-Q2.

13 April 2024

13 April 2024 - Rebar installation works as seen from another vantage point.

13 April 2024 - Scaffolding in place for casting works.

13 April 2024 - A view of completed horizontal beams to support the platform level. Scaffolding
was also being installed for further casting work of the lateral beams that would run parallel to the
platform and trackbeds.

13 April 2024 - A view of the main station building seen from the eatsern end.

13 April 2024 - A view westwards of the main station building as seen from street level.

23 May 2024 - A view of works underway for the main station building as of mid-Q2.

23 May 2024 - A view eastwards of the main station building. In the foreground, falsework can
be seen for viaduct piers.

23 May 2024 - The main station building shrouded in scaffolding & construction netting as works
progress at platform level.

23 May 2024 - An aerial view of the ongoing works at platform level for the lateral beams.

23 May 2024 - A view of the progress made at the main station building as of mid-Q2.

23 May 2024 - A view of the main station's eastern end.

23 June 2024 - A view of works underway for the main station building as of end-Q2.

23 June 2024  - Another view of works underway for the main station building as of end-Q2.

23 June 2024 - A view of the progress made at the main station building as of end-Q2.

23 June 2024 - A view of the main station building's western end where connection to the transfer
linkbridges will be at both concourse and platform levels.

23 June 2024 - An aerial view of the main station building looking westwards.

23 June 2024 - A view of the main station building's eastern end from street level.

While the main station building had seen steady progress, work on the satellite building was progressing rather quickly. With the northern half of segment launching completed by mid-Q2, works then swung over to the southern side to repeat the process there.

13 April 2024 - A view of the massive portal pier for the station, which will support the station's
concourse segment boxes.

13 April 2024 - An aerial view of the satellite station building's ongoing works.

13 April 2024 - Segment launching beginning for the station's concourse level with the initial
segments hung on the hanger beams.

13 April 2024 - A close up view of the first concourse segment boxes launched from hanger beams.

13 April 2024 - Casting work for the station portal pier on the southern half underway.

13 April 2024 - The first segments as seen from street level.

13 April 2024 - The northern half of the satellite station building, seen from street level.

13 April 2024 - A view of the satellite station's progress from across the junction as of early-Q2.

13 April 2024 - The northern-most portal pier for the station.

13 April 2024 - Another view of ongoing casting work for the station's portal pier on the southern

13 April 2024 - An aerial overview of the entire satellite station building.

23 May 2024 - A view of the massive portal pier for the station as of mid-Q2. Part of the launched
segment boxes can be seen at the subsequent piers.

23 May 2024 - A view of the satellite station's progress from across the junction as of mid-Q2.

23 May 2024 - The northern-most station portal pier with viaduct segments in view close by.

23 May 2024 - A view of the lifting frames from street level.

23 May 2024 - The northern station portal piers. Eventually, the northbound carriageway of
Jurong West Street 75 will run underneath these piers.

23 May 2024 - A view of the progress of the satellite station's concourse above the road junction.

23 May 2024 - The first segments on the southern side launched from the hanger beams.

23 May 2024 - The southern-most station portal pier in view.

23 May 2024

23 June 2024 - A view of the massive portal pier for the station as of end-Q2. The launched
segments can be seen extending for a much greater distance.

23 June 2024 - Lifting frames on the station portal pier on the southern side of the junction.

23 June 2024 - A view of the station's northern-most portal pier with a slight gap to the
completed station concourse span launched from the northern end.

23 June 2024 - A view of the completed station concourse span and the subsequent segments being
launched from the southern end.

23 June 2024 - The completed station concourse spans on the northern end.

23 June 2024 - A view of the segment box launching works on the southern side, looking southwards.

23 June 2024  - A view of the progress of the satellite station's concourse above the road junction
as of end-Q2.

23 June 2024 - A view of the satellite station's southern half.

The last section of this update on Bahar Junction station touches on the viaducts around the station buildings and leading to the contract boundaries with neighbouring contracts - J106 to the south & J107 to the north. Over the course of the past quarter, viaducts have been steadily constructed. At the northern end, contract J105 has taken possession of the portal pier at the contract boundary. Preparation works were underway for launching of segments here to complete the span ending with the movement & expansion joint on the portal pier.

Closer to the satellite station building, piers for the Jurong Pier-bound track were under construction as the line turned southwards to Boon Lay. The foundation piles for the pier and pile cap were previously completed before diversion works shifted the junction closer towards the multi-storey carpark, necessitating the backfilling over the completed works. These advanced works enabled the pier to quickly be constructed with a second to follow in due course.

Meanwhile, the Choa Chu Kang-bound track saw segment launching works begin for one of the piers. Ultimately, there would be approximately 3 stand-alone piers supporting the curve on this end.

13 April 2024 - An aerial view southwards along Jurong West Street 75 of the contract boundary
with contract J107 as of early-Q2.

13 April 2024 - A close up view of the movement & expansion joint portal pier, where both
contracts end.

13 April 2024 - A completed span with viaduct segment launching works progressing from the
subsequent portal pier.

13 April 2024 - An aerial view of the completed viaduct span and segment launching from the
subsequent portal pier.

13 April 2024 - A view looking southwards to the portal piers at the southern end of the contract.

13 April 2024 - Steel frame assembly for the casting of the portal beam for the southern-most
portal pier of the contract.

13 April 2024 - Scaffolding in place for the casting of the portal beam for the next portal pier north.

13 April 2024 - Another view of the portal pier with scaffolding in place for the casting of the portal

13 April 2024 - An aerial view of viaduct segment launching works beginning for the
Choa Chu Kang-bound track's curve.

13 April 2024 - Another view of the initial segments launched, with epoxy being applied to bond
the segments to the pier crosshead.

13 April 2024

13 April 2024 - The subsequent pier on the curve will be a movement & expansion joint.

13 April 2024 - Work ongoing for the bonding of the viaduct segments to the pier crosshead.

13 April 2024 - The third viaduct pier of the curve had yet to have its crosshead cast.

13 April 2024 - Another view of the epoxy bonding works in progress.

23 May 2024 - An aerial view southwards along Jurong West Street 75 of the contract boundary
with contract J107 as of mid-Q2.

23 May 2024 - Viaduct segment launching works from the portal pier completed as of mid-Q2.

23 May 2024 - The yellow equipment allows the contractor to maintain the level of the two spans
while simultaneously allowing epoxy bonding to take place.

23 May 2024 - A view of the completed spans as seen from street level.

23 May 2024 - Starring ahead at the final portal pier where the contract boundary lies.

23 May 2024

23 May 2024

23 May 2024 - The next pier southwards will be a movement & expansion joint pier, hence segment
launching by the balanced cantilevered method may not be possible.

23 May 2024 - Casting work in progress for the pier crosshead.

23 May 2024 - A view looking southwards to the portal piers en route to Boon Lay.

23 May 2024 - A view of the progress of the portal pier assembly along Jurong West Street 75.

23 May 2024 - The next portal pier had since been completed, with scaffolding removed.

23 May 2024 - A view of the completed portal pier.

23 May 2024 - Segment launching for the Choa Chu Kang-bound track since completed from
the first of three piers.

23 May 2024 - Casting of the crosshead for the third pier of the curve since completed.

23 May 2024 - Another view of the completed viaduct segment box launching from the first
pier of the curve.

23 May 2024 - Construction underway for the first of two viaduct piers supporting the Jurong
Pier-bound track.

23 May 2024 - Construction of the pier as seen at street level.

23 May 2024 - Another view of the pier under construction, enveloped in scaffolding.

23 June 2024 - An aerial view of the viaduct construction works along Jurong West Street 75,
looking southwards.

23 June 2024 - Application of epoxy had since completed although the leveling beams still
remained in position.

23 June 2024 - A view of the contract boundary and completed viaduct spans thereafter.

23 June 2024 - A view of the progress of the completed spans to the north along Jurong West
Street 75.

23 June 2024 - Casting of the movement & expansion joint completed.

23 June 2024 - An aerial view of the completed casting of the movement & expansion joint's
pier crosshead.

23 June 2024

23 June 2024 - Another view of the completed viaduct spans along Jurong West Street 75 looking

23 June 2024 - An aerial view with the portal piers to the south visible.

23 June 2024 - Segment launching works began with the first segments being installed on the
portal piers to the south of the satellite station along Jurong West Street 64.

23 June 2024 - The first viaduct segments installed as seen from street level.

23 June 2024 - The completed section of viaduct for the Choa Chu Kang-bound track's curve.

23 June 2024 - The completed span with the movement & expansion joint pier in view.

23 June 2024 - A view of the tracks diverging at the road junction from the Bahar Junction main
station building.

23 June 2024 - Completed piers along the Choa Chu Kang-bound track curve.

23 June 2024 - The first of two piers for the Jurong Pier-bound track's curve.

Construction of the satellite station's concourse span should complete by the middle of Q3. We look forward to this milestone being achieved and will be sure to bring you updates when this is achieved. In the mean time, do stick around for more Q2 updates coming your way!

This post will also be available on Instagram & Facebook on 5 August 2024.

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