
Wednesday, June 5, 2024

J113 & J115A - Nanyang Gateway, Nanyang Crescent & Peng Kang Hill update Q1 2024

A view of the 3 NTU stations part of the JRL's phase 3 northern section as at end-Q1 2024.

To complete our Q1 updates of the Jurong Region Line (JRL), we're at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) where the line's northern section of phase 3 is located. Consisting of 2 contracts covering 3 stations, this section was awarded entirely to Hwa Seng Builders, greatly simplifying the works required by using only a single contractor for the entirety of the works. Equipment can be shared and the contractor can better control construction traffic entering & exiting the university.

JW3 - Nanyang Gateway
West of the first station under contract J113, viaduct construction has begun in earnest with the commencement of viaduct span construction outside Hall 8. Here, the line navigates downslope as it descends one of the many hills within NTU. At the end of Q1, span construction works were just beginning using lifting frames under the balanced cantilevered assembly method.

15 January 2024 - A view of the viaduct piers outside Hall 8, as seen from Nanyang Drive.

15 January 2024

18 February 2024

18 February 2024

18 February 2024 - A view of the viaduct piers outside Hall 8, looking towards Nanyang
Avenue from Nanyang Drive in mid-Q1.

18 February 2024

18 February 2024 - A view of the viaduct piers as the line navigates one of the hills in NTU.

18 February 2024 - A close up view of the viaduct piers as the line climbs the hill.

21 March 2024

21 March 2024 - A view of viaduct span construction in front of Hall 8 in end-Q1.

21 March 2024

21 March 2024

21 March 2024

15 January 2024 - Viaduct construction along Nanyang Avenue, near Halls 8 & 9 in early-Q1.

15 January 2024

15 January 2024

15 January 2024

15 January 2024

18 February 2024 - Viaduct construction along Nanyang Avenue near Halls 8 & 9 in mid-Q1.

18 February 2024

18 February 2024

18 February 2024 - A rebar cage for a viaduct pier column visible.

18 February 2024

18 February 2024 - A view along Nanyang Avenue towards Nanyang Gateway station site.

18 February 2024

21 March 2024 - The former rebar cage for the viaduct pier along Nanyang Avenue, since cast in concrete.

21 March 2024

21 March 2024 - Another rebar cage, enclosed in the temporary formwork.

21 March 2024

21 March 2024

The first station, Nanyang Gateway, is located between Hall 10, Nanyang Grove and the North Hill hostels. Over the past quarter, work was largely focused on the foundations of the station. Several caissons were dug where the eventual station pier columns would sprout from.

15 January 2024 - A view along Nanyang Avenue, towards the Nanyang Gateway station site
in early-Q1.

15 January 2024

15 January 2024 - Caissons for the station's foundations in early-Q1.

15 January 2024 - Preparation works for a test pile.

15 January 2024 - The eastern end of Nanyang Gateway's station site in early-Q1.

15 January 2024

15 January 2024

15 January 2024

18 February 2024 - A view along Nanyang Avenue towards the Nanyang Gateway station site in

18 February 2024

18 February 2024 - Bored pile work in progress at Nanyang Gateway station in mid-Q1.

18 February 2024 - The western end of Nanyang Gateway station in mid-Q1.

18 February 2024 - Caissons for the station's foundation as at mid-Q1.

18 February 2024

18 February 2024

18 February 2024 - The eastern end of Nanyang Gateway station in mid-Q1.

18 February 2024

18 February 2024

18 February 2024

18 February 2024

21 March 2024 - A view of ongoing work at Nanyang Gateway station in end-Q1.

21 March 2024 - Bored piling in progress at Nanyang Gateway station in end-Q1.

21 March 2024

21 March 2024

21 March 2024

21 March 2024

To the east of the station, various viaduct piers were under construction to connect to adjacent contract J107. Casting for the piers here started off with the columns and crowns, with the piers closest to the contract boundary being the first to proceed to crosshead casting. These works subsequently pushed closer to the station over the quarter.

15 January 2024 - Viaduct piers under construction between Nanyang Gateway station & contract
J107 in early-Q1.

15 January 2024

15 January 2024

18 February 2024 - Progress of viaduct pier construction between Nanyang Gateway station &
contract J107 boundary in mid-Q1.

18 February 2024

18 February 2024

18 February 2024

18 February 2024

21 March 2024 - Progress of viaduct construction with crosshead casting beginning in end-Q1.

21 March 2024

21 March 2024

21 March 2024

21 March 2024

JW4 - Nanyang Crescent
Continuing off near the School of Art, Design & Media (SADM), the viaducts cross over Nanyang Drive twice to run along the base of the hill where a Public Utilities Board service reservoir is located. This stretch was the first under the phase 3's northern section to commence viaduct span construction in end-2023. As the line here is barely elevated off the side of the hill, the trestle method was used for span construction with segment boxes being lifted into position by a mobile crane. By the end of the quarter, significant spans of the viaduct were completed even as work progressed on the construction of further viaduct piers.

15 January 2024 - One of the piers awaiting crosshead construction en route to Nanyang
Crescent station in early-Q1.

15 January 2024 - One of the first sections of viaduct span construction to take place for
phase 3 of the JRL.

15 January 2024 - Launching segments using the trestle method.

15 January 2024 - A second pier has also begun viaduct span construction as of early-Q1.

15 January 2024 - Another segment delivered to site for installation.

15 January 2024 - A third pier's crosshead awaits span construction to begin in early-Q1.

15 January 2024 - Rebar cages for a future pier and another pier with column & crown completed.

18 February 2024 - A view westwards along Nanyang Drive with the section of viaduct span
construction underway at the base of the hill in mid-Q1.

18 February 2024 - Formwork being installed for another viaduct pier casting.

18 February 2024 - The movement & expansion joint pier still awaiting crosshead casting.

18 February 2024 - Span construction completed for the first pier with the trestle since removed.

18 February 2024 - Progress of span construction at the second pier in mid-Q1.

18 February 2024 - Span construction works at the third pier in mid-Q1.

18 February 2024

21 March 2024 - A new pier column and crown completed in end-Q1.

21 March 2024 - The movement & expansion joint pier has not progressed as of end-Q1. The
rebar where the crosshead will connect has been wrapped in plastic, potentially indicating that
it may be some time yet before the crosshead is constructed.

21 March 2024 - The span "levitates" in the air, held up by tensioning on both sides of the
pier crosshead.

21 March 2024 - The second pier in the section as at end-Q1.

21 March 2024 - The span of the third pier in the section, with the trestle since removed.

21 March 2024

21 March 2024 - The final pier before the viaduct crosses the road is also without a crosshead.

The station building saw excavation continue to clear the required area for the lower concourse and platforms to be constructed. By the middle of the quarter, the perimeter wall formed by secant bored piles had become exposed. Bored piles that would form the station building's foundation were also unveiled, allowing for the station structure to be built above even as excavation work continued.

15 January 2024 - A view of the northern end of Nanyang Crescent station in early-Q1.

15 January 2024 - The lower concourse level will be located here, with platforms one level

15 January 2024

15 January 2024

15 January 2024 - However, the platforms will be approximately at ground level at the crest of
the small hill.

15 January 2024

15 January 2024 - An auger machine, packed up for transportation in early-Q1.

15 January 2024

15 January 2024 - The southern end of the station with two piers visible.

18 February 2024 - Looking westwards/southwards along Nanyang Drive in mid-Q1.

18 February 2024 - Excavation has unveiled the secant bored pile retaining wall for the lower
concourse level in mid-Q1.

18 February 2024

18 February 2024

18 February 2024 - Excavation underway at the middle of the station.

18 February 2024

21 March 2024 - A view of the secant bored pile retaining wall where the lower concourse
level will be located in end-Q1.

21 March 2024 - Excavation for the foundations and lower concourse levels underway.

21 March 2024 - Preparation for a pile test underway.

21 March 2024

21 March 2024 - Part of the noise barriers outside block 2 of the National Institute of Education
have been removed.

21 March 2024 - An auger machine constructing bored piles.

21 March 2024

15 January 2024 - A view eastwards/northwards along Nanyang Drive in early-Q1.

15 January 2024 - A view of the station site and viaduct site in the distance.

15 January 2024

15 January 2024

15 January 2024 - A row of viaduct piers with span construction in the early stages.

15 January 2024

15 January 2024 - Another view of the viaduct span construction opposite the SADM building.

18 February 2024 - A view eastwards/northwards along Nanyang Drive in mid-Q1.

18 February 2024

18 February 2024 - A view within the station site in mid-Q1.

18 February 2024

18 February 2024 - Rebar cages for bored pile construction.

18 February 2024 - The difference in elevation can now be clearly seen with the lower concourse
level excavated.

18 February 2024 - Bored piles that will serve as the station's foundation now visible.

18 February 2024 - Excavation work continues.

18 February 2024

18 February 2024 A view of the movement & expansion joint pier with rebar wrapped in plastic
as of mid-Q1.

18 February 2024 - Segment lifting underway opposite the SADM building.

18 February 2024 - A completed section of viaduct spans.

18 February 2024

18 February 2024

JW5 - Peng Kang Hill
The final station within NTU, and the last to be awarded under contract J115A, is located at the south-western end of the university campus. Sited on a slope, the station is partly at-grade and partly-elevated, similar to neighbouring station Nanyang Crescent and will also feature lower and upper concourse levels. Work at the station site has been ramping up over the first quarter of the year with the noise barriers at the site being installed.

To the north of the station, caissons were excavated in which bored piles were constructed. These would serve to support the viaduct columns as the viaduct traversed a slight valley before reaching the station.

15 January 2024 - A view northwards along Nanyang Drive in early-Q1.

15 January 2024 - The station site's hoarding and construction access gate.

15 January 2024 - A view of the station's construction site from the Research Techno Plaza.

15 January 2024 - An auger tool attached to an excavator near the Experimental Medicine

15 January 2024 - A view of the viaduct site where foundation works were taking place.

15 January 2024

15 January 2024 - Rebar cages for bored pile construction at the viaduct site.

15 January 2024

15 January 2024

15 January 2024 - The future viaduct will cut through this valley as well.

18 February 2024 - A view towards the contract J113 & J115A boundary along Nanyang
Drive, next to the Nanyang Crescent station site.

18 February 2024

18 February 2024 - A view towards the viaduct construction site in mid-Q1.

18 February 2024

18 February 2024

18 February 2024 - The station site next to the Experimental Medicine Building. A station exit
will be located here in future, connecting to the station's upper concourse level.

18 February 2024

18 February 2024

18 February 2024 - A view into the station's worksite.

18 February 2024

18 February 2024

18 February 2024 - Just beyond the station site, viaduct piers for the line's over run will be located
here, next to Nanyang Link.

18 February 2024 - Noise barriers in place for the over run site.

18 February 2024 - A view along Nanyang Drive of the station site in mid-Q1.

18 February 2024

18 February 2024 - Installation of hoarding abutting the Experimental Medicine Building. Work
is underway for the construction of the high noise barrier.

18 February 2024 - Excavators at work next to the Experimental Medicine Building in mid-Q1.

18 February 2024 - A vibro-hammer is used to install the steel H-beams.

18 February 2024 - H-beam installation in progress.

18 February 2024

18 February 2024

18 February 2024 - A view towards the valley where the line becomes elevated.

18 February 2024 - A row of completed H-beam installation, to serve as the foundation for the
high noise barrier's installation.

18 February 2024

21 March 2024 - A view of the viaduct site in end-Q1.

21 March 2024 - The noise barriers, since installed next to the Experimental Medicine Building.

21 March 2024

21 March 2024 - The station site, now looking busier than before.

21 March 2024

21 March 2024

21 March 2024

21 March 2024 - Bored piling in progress for the over run viaduct piers.

21 March 2024 - Sections of noise barrier with the insulation panels missing.

21 March 2024 - The noise barrier poles in position but lacking the insulation panels.

21 March 2024

21 March 2024 - An aerial view of the noise barrier installation progress.

21 March 2024 - A view towards the valley where the line becomes elevated.

21 March 2024

21 March 2024

With sections of the line within NTU commencing viaduct span construction, almost all phases of the line have begun construction of the viaduct spans in some way or form. Only phase 3's southern section was left to begin viaduct span construction, just as the rest of the phases along the JRL had begun. Do stay tuned as we're about to launch into our Q2 updates of the line shortly once we're a wee bit more into the month.

This post will also be available on Instagram & Facebook on 6 June 2024.

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